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Stars glitter at Huabiao awards

[日期:2005-08-29]   [字体: ]

China's movie industry gathered for the annual Huabiao awards. This year's awards marked a century of Chinese cinema.

The three-hour gala, the awards ceremony for the 11th China Broadcast, Film and TV Huabiao Awards, was staged in Beijing. Huabiao refers to the decorative columns at the front of the Forbidden City.

The jury gave Best Actor to Wu Jun and Pu Cunxin for their convincing depictions of their respective lead roles in "Model Solider Zhang Side," and "A Bright Moon," a biopic about Buddhist Master the Reverend Hong Yi.


Pu Cunxin is given Best Actor by his lead role in "A Bright Moon". [newsphoto]

The Best Actress honour was shared by heartthrobs Zhao Wei and Zhang Ziyi, for their superb performances in director Huo Jianqi's "Time to Love" and Zhang Yimou's "House of Flying Daggers."

Zhao Wei and Zhang Ziyi are awarded the Best Actress honour for their superb performances in director Huo Jianqi's "Time to Love" and Zhang Yimou's "House of Flying Daggers." [newsphoto]

China's film industry, like its stars, gave its best performance ever in 2004. A total of 212 films were made, according to the State Administration of Broadcast, Film and Television. The total box office revenues amounted to 1.5 billion yuan (US$185 million), increasing by 50 per cent from 2003.

The industry is looking forward to another year of bumper harvest in 2005. At least 300 feature films are in production, industry insiders say.

Film directors Lu Chuan "Kekexili: Mountain Patrol" and Yin Li "Model Solider Zhang Side" snatched the Best Director award.

Ten director's newest films, including "Kekexili: Mountain Patrol," "Legend of Chen Yun," "Model Cop Ren Changxia," and Deng Xiaoping in 1928," shared the Best Picture Huabiao Award.

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