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[日期:2006-06-09]   [字体: ]

Make sure that you read all of the information in the questions very carefully and respond appropriately.

Make sure that you follow all instructions including the number of words that you need to write.

Make sure that you stop Writing Task 1 after 20 minutes to allow enough time to answer Writing Task 2.

Remember that Writing Task 2 carries more marks, so you need plenty of time to answer it.

Make sure that, for Task 1, you copy data accurately from the question paper.

Make sure that you plan your ideas before you begin to write. For Writing Task 1, stop to locate and select the most important pieces of information. For Writing Task 2, take time to organise your ideas and argument.

Be sure to provide supporting evidence for any of your claims or views in Writing Task 2.

Leave time to check your answer for careless mistakes at the end. Try to check for spelling mistakes, verb and subject aGREement, singular/plural nouns, tense mistakes and problems of fluency.

Make sure that all of your ideas are relevant to the question.

Try to avoid repeating the same words, phrases and ideas too often. Try to use a range of vocabulary. Try to make sure that you do not repeat the same idea too often, make sure you explore different ideas to provide a well-balanced response.

Make sure to write as clearly as possible.

Make sure that you produce organised and linked paragraphs and that the tone of your language is academic.
Don't copy from other people’s work.

Don't write less than the required number of words.

Don't repeat task instructions in your writing.

Don’t use note form or bullet points.

Don’t leave out any required information.

Don’t waste your time learning essays by heart to use in the exam. You will be penalised for this and you will waste valuable time that could be spent developing good writing skills.

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