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英语笑话Play-A-Day: Google

[日期:2006-06-11]   [字体: ]
Scene: The Wild Web Celebration as Google Buys Deja

www.google.com: And now, Deja, you are absorbed.

www.deja.com: Good, I love being called google. Can I be googleplex?

www.google.com: No, that is being saved for when we google ourselves.

www.buy.com: Doesn't anyone want me?

www.pets.com: Me too?

www.dotcomscoop.com: If you just read me, you'd already know the answer to

www.dogcrap.com: Hey, I'm an URL, how about me? Google?

www.google.com: We don't buy no lousy stinking dogcrap.com.

www.badges.com: How about us?

www.google.com: Badges.com? We don't need no lousy stinkin' badges.com.

www.humphreybogart.com: Hey, wait a minute, that's my line.

www.treasureofthesierramadre:com: Not so fast, bucco, that is MY line, and
if you don't watch out I'll let that scorpion sting you after all.

www.humphreybogart.com: Who took the cherries?

www.ballbearings.com: Quit that.

www.google.com: All you other URLs can go home. We're not buying anybody
else. Today, I mean. Although we do have our eyes on some other sites,
most exclusively...

www.play-a-day.com: Me! Me! Me! Pick me! And by the way, fix your damn
search so that when people search for "play-a-day" they don't get play any
day or play one day or play day. People want me! They love me! And most
importantly, my fabulous boolean logic!

Spock: That is illogical.

The End

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