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[日期:2007-04-28]   [字体: ]

Lightning hit a giant tree in the forest.The tree died.It fell to the ground.Soon the tree began to rot(腐烂).

Seeds from other trees fell to the ground.These seeds could not grow.There were too many plants on the forest floor.But one seed fell on the dead tree.It was high off the ground.This seed had room to grow.

A new plant GREw from the seed that fell on the dead tree.The new plant put out new roots.The roots grew into the rotting tree.The roots went through the tree to the ground.

The dead tree rotted more and more.But the new plant GREw.The rooting tree was its food.The new plant reached for the sun.It grew tall and strong.Soon there was another tree in forest.


1.When a tree dies and falls to the ground it begins to ________.

a.rot b.grow c.bleed d.bit

2.The word in the story that means the ground in the forest on which many plants grow is ________.

3.The story says,“The tree died.It fell to the ground.”The word it means ________.

4.Which of the following does this story lead you to believe?

a.Seeds do not need room to grow.

b.Some seeds plant themselves.

c.Seeds make trees die.

5.Where did one seed fall?

a.One seed fell on the dead tree.

b.One seed fell on a new plant.

c.One seed was hit by lightning.

6.The main idea of the whole story is that ________.

a.a new plant can grow out of a dead plant

b.lightning cannot hit a tree

c.seeds do not need room to grow well

Keys:1.a 2.floor 3.the dead tree 4.b 5.a 6.a)

Tim from Reading for Concepts

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