一、主题句 主题句是英文段落的典型特点。顾名思义,主题句就是提供段落主题的句子。它是一个段落的中心,要求全段所有的文字都围绕它来展开。它指出了这段内容的主导思想。主题句是一篇文章的灵魂,在段落中起着中心作用。没有主题句,段落就缺少中心,段落意义也就含糊不清。因此,写好段落的主题句是写好作文的关键,一个好的主题句应该首先紧扣文章的中心思想,把段落的内容限定在文章的中心内容之内。 1.主题句的位置 主题句在段落中处于不同位置,有不同的作用,各有特殊的目的。一般说来,主题句常处于下列不同位置: 例1:My uncle is well respected in our community.He is on theBoard of Governors of our community college.He is the chairman of our United Way committee.He is also an active member of the local theatre guide and a coach of our hockey team.Moreover,last month he was elected Alderman and now sits on our city council. 例2: More and more people today are realizing the importance of regular physical exercise.In the past, most people were involved in manual labor out in the fresh air of the fields.Nowadays,a lot of people work in offices,spending most of their time indoors.In the evening they usually sit watching TV or reading newspapers.Their daily lives do not provide them with the exercises needed to keep them healthy.Therefore,they must devote part of their time to doing regular physical exercise. (2)段尾主题句:主题句先不出现,而是从许多细节出发,逐渐收拢,一步步归纳到中心论点,用一句总结性的主题句把前面所陈述的一切概括出来,作出结论。这种段落可以比作一个倒置的三角形,其项端向下。其作用是它可以造成悬念,产生戏剧性效果或对全段进行概括总结。如; 例1: Running up and down the court gives my muscles tone and resilience.Shooting at the basket helps me develop a good sense of co-ordination and balance,and the exercise keeps my heart in good condi-tion.In short,playing basketball keeps me in good shape. 例2: During their visit,Dee takes pictures,everyone of them,in-cluding the one of the house that she used to live in and hate.She takes the churn top and dasher,both whittled out of a tree by one of Mama's uncles.She tries to take Grandma Dee's quilts.Mama and Maggie use these inherited items every day,not only appreciating their heritage but living it too.Dee,on the other hand,wants these items only for decorative use,thus forsaking and ignoring their real inheritage. (3)首尾主题句:主题句先在段首提出来,然后在段末重复一遍,即"首尾并用"。先扩张,继之以收拢,即把竖立和倒立两个三角形合并成菱形,使中心思想占首尾两个显著位置,重复两次,从而更加突出强调。其特点是使主题句的内容前后照应,给读者留下深刻的印象。如: 例1: Daily jogging is one of the best exercises you can do for your body.It develops muscle tone and is excellent for your cardiovascular system,ensuring that your heart and lungs are in prime condition.It also burns off a GREat many calories,preventing you from gaining unneeded weight.Yes,nothing beats jogging for keeping you in excellent physical condition,no matter what your age. 例2:Many of the difficulties we experience in relationships are caused by the unrealistic expectations we have of each other.Think about it.Women are expected to feel comfortable doing most of the sacrificing.They are supposed to stay fine,firm,and forever twenty-two,while doing double duty in the home and workplace.The burden on men is no easier.They should be tall,handsome,and able to wine and dine the women.Many women go for the glitter and then expect these men to calm down once in a relationship and become faithful,sensitive,supportive,and loving.Let's face it.Both women and men have been unrealistic.It's time we developed a new sensitivity toward each other and asked ourselves what it is we need from each other that is realistic and fair. |