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[图文]The Beauty of Scotland

[日期:2007-04-30]   [字体: ]

The Scottish Highlands(苏格兰高地)have some of the most beautiful scenery in the world.Until now,Scotland has escaped much of the pollution which affects Western Europe.But it may not escape for much longer.

The problem is acid rain(酸雨).

Cars and power stations that burn coal cause acid rain.It isn't always rain;sometimes it's a mist which falls on trees,buildings and the ground.And it is increasing.

In parts of Western Europe the problem is serious.Experts think that problem is serious.Experts think that over half of the forests in West Germany are dying.Acid rain has damaged over forty percent of Dutch forests,and poisoned 18,000 Swedish lakes.

Until recently,the wind carried away most of Britain's acid rain,usually towards Scandinavia.The British Government was not particularly interested in a form of pollution which came from Britain but which only seemed to affect other countries.But there's so much acid rain now that it falls on Britain.

In 1974,during a storm over Pitlochry,the rain contained so much acid that it was like vinegar.On 20th February 1984,black snow fell at Aviemore in the Cairngorm Mountains.Local(当地的)people say it happens often.In Edinburgh and Glasgow some of the older buildings are very badly damaged.In Loch Enoch and Loch Fleet there are no longer any fish at all.

And the situation is unlikely to get better.As the trees disappear from mountain slopes(斜坡),avalanches(冰雪等的崩落)will probably increase.The chemicals in acid rain are likely to replace the oxygen in lakes and rivers.The fish are unlikely to live,because the acid in the water will certainly kill their young and their food supplies,such as water insects.Birds and animals will probably disappear when they no longer have anything to feed on.

The consequences(后果)are economic(经济上的)as well.Scotland may lose its tourist industry(旅游业).The tourists certainly won't come to rivers which have lost their salmon(鲑鱼)and trout(鳟鱼),or to scenery which has lost its beauty.And without the money the tourists bring,the Highlanders might have to go elsewhere to find work.

Unless the British Government does something soon,acid rain will change the face of the Scottish countryside—and the lives of the people who live there.

Nancy from BBC Beginners' English

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