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[日期:2007-12-02]   [字体: ]

Vernita: Be that as it may, I know I don’t deserve your mercy or your forgiveness. However, I beseech you for both on behalf of my daughter.

  Black Mamba: Bitch, you can stop right there. Just because I have no wish to murder you before the eys of your daughter does not mean that parading her around in front of me is gonna inspire sympathy. You and I have unfinished business. And not a goddamn fucking thing you’ve done in subsequent four years, including getting knocked up, is gonna change that.

  Vernita: So when do we do this?

  Black Mamba: It all depends. When do you want to die? Tomorrow? The day after tomorrow?

  Vernita: How about tonight, bitch?

  Black Mamba: Splendid. Where?

  Vernita: There’s a baseball diamond where I coach our little league about a mile from here. We meet there around 2:30 in the morning, dressed all in black, your hair in a black stocking. And we have us a knife fight. We won’t be bothered. Now, I have to fix Nikki’s cereal.

  Black Mamba: Bill said you were one of the best ladies he ever saw with an edged weapon.

  Vernita: Fuck you, bitch. I know he didn’t qualify that shit. So you can just kiss my motherfucking ass, Black Mamba. Black Mamba. I should have been motherfucking Black Mamba.

  Black Mamba: Weapons of choice? If you want to stick with your butcher knife, that’s fine with me.

  Vernita: Very funny, bitch! Very funny!

  Black Mamba: It was not my intention to do this in front of you. For that, I’m sorry. But you can take my word for it. You mother had it coming. When you grow up, if you still feel raw about it...I’ll be waiting.


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