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[日期:2008-05-07]   [字体: ]


  The candidature logo features a stylized traditional Chinese handicraft pattern known as the "knot of one heart" or "Chinese folk knot', using the typical colors of the five Olympic rings. The design depicts a dynamic human figure in a stance that portrays someone doing "Taiji" or shadow boxing. The simple gesture lines symbolize the graceful, harmonious and dynamic movements that connote the unity of, cooperation among, exchange between and development for the peoples all over the world.


  The emblem of the XXIX Olympiad, which is also the official emblem for BOCOG and a core element of Beijing's Olympic image and look, is expected to become one of the most powerful graphic identities in the history of the Olympic Games.The emblem of the 2008 Olympics, rich in culture and dubbed "Dancing Beijing", fully reflects the theme of the Olympic Games to be held in 2008 in Beijing.The logo combines Chinese traditional art with modern Olympic spirit by means of the unique techniques of Chinese seal cutting and calligraphy, which have a history of 5000 years.The simple gesture lines depict a stylized dynamic human figure in a stance that suggests a racing athlete crossing the finish line to embrace victory --- portraying the Olympic spirit of Citius, Altius, Fortius (for Swifter, Higher, Stronger).The figure strokes resemble the Chinese character "Jing" drawn in graceful Chinese calligraphy of a unique style, which stands for the name of the host city--the capital city of China.The gesture lines can also be interpreted as a "dancing figure", conveying the aspiration of the 1.3 billion Chinese people for the GREat games and their enthusiasm for welcoming visitors from all over the world.

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