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广州指路Landmarks in Guangzhou

[日期:2008-07-21]   [字体: ]

Landmarks in Guangzhou
    在广州这个改革开放的城市里,每天在路上你都可能遇上一个外国旅游者向你问路。作为这个城市的小主人,这时你就可以把学校里学到的知识使用出来,在外国朋友面前显露两招了。如果你是Sally, 你会像她那样,礼貌地给旅游者指路吗?Dear Coral:
     How is everything coming?
     Last week, my Chinese friend Mia took me to the Ancestral Temple of the Chen Family. It was lay on the seventh Zhongshan Road. Mia told me, the temple had 116 years' history; the Chen supported money to build it for the students. I was attracted by the beautiful ornamengts on the wall there! They are colourful, lively, and also mysterious, it must be a rarely article which is so grand! Besides, it showed feelings of native soil.
     Then we went to Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall. Inside there is a picture gallery, an exhibition of Dr. Sun's life, and a large hall that may be used as a theater, concert, or meeting hall. Do you know Sun Yat-sen? He founded the first Republic in China in 1911 after many years' fighting. He is a important person for the past China.
     Now I am more and more enjoy Chinese trip, tomorrow we will go to the Temple of the Six Banyan Trees and Tianhe Sports Complex, I am excited it!
                                                                                Yours Joyce

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