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[日期:2009-02-24]   [字体: ]
Out-of-home advertising, also called place-based advertising, has become an increasingly effective way of reaching consumers, who are more active than ever before. Many consumers today do not sit at home and watch television. Using billboards, newsstands, and bus shelters for advertising is an effective way of reaching these on-the-go consumers. More consumers travel longer distances to and from work, which also makes out-of-home advertising effective. Technology has changed the nature of the billboard business, making it a more effective medium than in the past. Using digital printing, billboard companies can print a bill board in 2 hours, compared with 6days previously. This allows advertisers more variety in the types of messages they create because they can change their messages more quickly.

As consumers become more comfortable with online shopping, advertisers will seek to reach this market. As consumers get more of their news and in formation from the Internet, the ability of television and radio to get the word out to consumers will decrease. The challenge to Internet advertisers is to create ads that audience members remember.

Internet advertising will play a more prominent role in organizations' advertising in the near future. Internet audiences tend to be quite homogeneous, but small. Advertisers till have to adjust their methods to reach these audiences and will have to adapt their persuasive strategies to the online medium as well.

Direct mail
A final advertising medium is direct mail, which uses mailings to consumers to communicate a client's message. Direct mail includes newsletters postcards and special promotions. Direct mail

Is an effective way to build relationship with consumers. For many businesses, direct mail is the most effective form of advertising.


1.Television is attractive advertising medium in that ________.

A) it has large audiences<

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