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(10/06/2008 19:08:26) [查看全文]
Memorial Day(美国阵亡将士纪念日)It was 1866 and the United States was recovering from the long and bloody Civil War between the North and the South. Surviving soldiers came home, some with missing limbs, and all with stories to tell. Henry Welles, a drugstore owner in Waterloo, New York, heard the stories and had an idea. He suggested that all the
(07/31/2008 08:20:34) [查看全文]
Shavuot(息汪月)]Shavuot, the Feast of the Weeks, is the Jewish holiday celebrating the harvest season in Israel. Shavuot, which means "weeks", refers to the timing of the festival which is held exactly 7 weeks after Passover. Shavuot is known also as Yom Habikkurim, or "the Day of the First Fruits", ause it is the time the farmers of Israel w
(07/31/2008 08:20:34) [查看全文]
World Environment Day(世界环境日)]World Environment Day was established by the United Nations General Assembly in 1972 to mark the opening of the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment. Another resolution, adopted by the General Assembly the same day, led to the creation of UNEP(联合国环境规划署United Nations Environment Programme).
World En
(07/31/2008 08:20:33) [查看全文]
Flag Day(美国国旗日)]National flags are not merely symbols of a country. Their colors and designs convey past history and future goals. Flags have powerful connotations(内涵). They speak to the people and politicians. People of one country will burn the flag of another with whose politics they do not ae. To show their anger, students display thei
(07/31/2008 08:20:33) [查看全文]
Deaf-Blind Awareness Week(海伦•凯勒周)June 27, 2000, is the 120th anniversary of the birth of Helen Keller, and each year the week in which her birthday falls is recognized as Deaf-Blind Awareness Week. In honor of Helen Keller -- and other members of the deaf-blind community, this week is dedicated to the deaf-blind.
Every year t
(07/31/2008 08:20:32) [查看全文]
Phi Ta Khon Festival(佛诞节)Everyone loves a good ghost story. The gruesome, the spiritual and the supernatural arouse an instinctive curiosity in all of us. In the west, ghostly fervor reaches a peak with Halloween on October 31. In Thailand, the spirit-world comes closest to us in June with the Phi Ta Khon festival, an event filled with fun
(07/31/2008 08:20:31) [查看全文]
Spring Festival(春节)The New Moon on the first day of the new year-- the full moon 15 days later
Chinese New Year starts with the New Moon(新月)on the first day of the new year and ends on the full moon(满月)15 days later. The 15th day of the new year is called the Lantern Festival(元宵节), which is celebrated at night with lanter
(07/31/2008 08:20:30) [查看全文]
Coming-of-Age Day (日本成人节)The second Monday of January is Coming-of-Age Day, a national holiday to encourage those who have newly entered adulthood to ome self-reliant members of society. The holiday used to be on January 15, but in 2000 it was moved to the second Monday of the month.
Municipal governments host special coming-of-age cere
(07/31/2008 08:20:29) [查看全文]
Dr. Martin Luther King Day(马丁•路德̶
It was December, 1955, and Martin Luther King, Jr. had just received his doctorate dee in theology(神学). He had moved to Montgomery( 蒙哥马利), Alabama to preach at a Baptist church. He saw there, as in many other southern states, that African-Americans had to ride in the back of
(07/31/2008 08:20:29) [查看全文]
Mardi Gras(四旬斋前的狂欢节)]Mardi Gras is a traditional holiday celebrated in many of the southern states of the USA. The most famous celebration takes place in New Orleans, Louisiana. The people there enjoy this celebration by going to parades where they catch "beads, doubloons, cups, and trinkets" that are all thrown from floats.
They have
(07/31/2008 08:20:28) [查看全文]
Arbor Day(植树节)In many countries it has long been the tradition to hold an annual tree or forest festival. The origin of such celebrations dates back to antiquity and is in the dawn of religious feeling and awe for what trees represented. However, Arbor Day, as it is commonly known today, is of American origin and evolved from conditions pe
(07/31/2008 08:20:27) [查看全文]
Earth Day(世界地球日)Earth Day was first observed in Spring of 1970. An estimated 20 million people nationwide attended festivities out of which came the largest grassroots environmental movement in U.S. history, and the impetus for national legislation like the Clean Air and Clean Water Acts. By the twentieth anniversary of that event, April 2
(07/31/2008 08:20:27) [查看全文]
World Aids Day(世界艾滋病日)]According to UNAIDS(联合国艾滋病规划署)estimates there were 38.6 million adults and 3.2 million children living with HIV at the end of 2002, and during the year 5 million new people ame infected with the virus. Around half of all people who ome infected with HIV do so before they are 25 and are killed by AIDS before they are
(07/31/2008 08:20:26) [查看全文]
(06/14/2008 13:47:11) [查看全文]
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