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What's your room number?
A: Room service, please?
A: 是客房服务部吗?
B: Yes, how can I help you?
B: 是的,您需要什么?
A: Can I order some coffee and sandwiches, please?
A: 请问我能订咖啡和三明治吗?
B: Certainly, sir. What's your room numb
(11/03/2006 06:32:04) [查看全文]
What's your mobile number?
A: Ok, Paul. Bye. I'll call you tomorrow. What's your mobile number?
A: 好,再见,保罗。我明天给你打电话。你的手机号是多少?
B: My mobile number? It's one-three-five -two-zero-five-three-seven-two-four.(1352053724)
(11/03/2006 06:32:04) [查看全文]
How many people live in Beijing?
A: Beijing is so busy! There are so many people.
A: 北京太繁华了。有这么多的人。
B: Yes, it's really a big city, Paul.
B: 是的,这是一个非常大的城市,保罗。
A: What's the population? How many people live in Beijng?
(11/03/2006 06:32:04) [查看全文]
When's the big holiday period in Beijing?
A: When's the big holiday period in Beijing?
A: 在北京大的节假日是哪段时间?
B: We have a big holiday in October. October 1st is National Day. We usually get a few days for vacation. S
(11/03/2006 06:32:03) [查看全文]
I'm looking forward to the Olympic Games in Beijing.
A: I'm looking forward to the Olympic Games in Beijing.
A: 我期待着北京奥运会的召开。
B: When do they begin?
B: 什么时候召开?
A: On August 8, 2008.
A: 2008
(11/03/2006 06:32:03) [查看全文]
Where are you going?
A: Hi, Neil. Where are you going?
A: 嗨,尼尔。你去哪里?
B: To the Forbidden City.
B: 我去故宫。
A: Oh, you'll do a lot of walking!
A: 哦,你要走很远的路!
B: Well, I guess it's good excercise
(11/03/2006 06:32:03) [查看全文]
Are you busy today?
A: Hello, Mr. Clark. Are you busy today?
A: 你好,克拉克先生。你今天忙吗?
B: Hello, Lin. Yes, I've got a meeting this morning at eleven o'clock.
B: 你好,林。是的,我上午十一点将参加一个会议。
A: Ok, then. Perhaps I'll s
(11/03/2006 06:32:03) [查看全文]
I'm chinese.
Dialogue I
A: I'm chinese. I come from Shanghai, but I live in Beijing. And you, Paul?
A: 我是中国人。我是上海人,但我住在北京。保罗,你呢?
B: I'm British. I come from London.
B: 我是英国人。我从伦敦来。
(11/03/2006 06:32:02) [查看全文]
How about tomorrow?
A: Hi, are you busy today? We can go somewhere nice.
A: 嗨,你今天忙吗?我们可以一起去个好地方。
B: Hi, Ping. I'd love to, but I have to see some friends.
B: 嗨,平。我很愿意,但是我得见几个朋友。
A: OK. How about tomorrow? Are you free?
(11/03/2006 06:32:02) [查看全文]
What sports do you play?
A: How about you, Lin? What sports do you play?
A: 你呢,林?你做哪些运动?
B: Well, I don't have much free time for sports. I prefer watching it on television!
B: 哦,我没有太多的时间做运动。我更喜欢在电视上看各种运动。
A: Which one d
(11/03/2006 06:32:02) [查看全文]
I will come back soon.
A: David, how long is your visit to Beijing?
A: 大卫,你在北京待多长时间?
B: Just two weeks, unfortunately. But I will come back soon.
B: 只有两周,很遗憾。但是我很快就会回来。
A: I'm sure you wil. When are you
(11/03/2006 06:32:02) [查看全文]
Have you been to Beijing before?
A: David, have you been to Beijing before?
A: 大卫,你以前来过北京吗?
B: Yes, I have. Many times.
B: 是的,来过。来过很多次。
A: Really? You must know it quite well.
A: 是吗?你一定非常了解北京。
(11/03/2006 06:32:01) [查看全文]
Do you have any brothers or sisters?
A: Do you have any brothers or sisters?
A: 你有兄弟姐妹吗?
B: No, I am the only child. It's quite common in China.
B: 我没有,我是家里唯一的孩子。这在中国是很普遍的。
A: I suppose so. It's such a
(11/03/2006 06:32:01) [查看全文]
I'd like a guide book to Beijing.
A: Is there a good bookshop near here?
A: 这附近有好的书店吗?
B: Yes, I know two bookshops near here, on Wangfujing Street.
B: 有,我知道这附近有两家书店,在王府井大街上。
A: I'd like to buy some guide books to Beijing.
(11/03/2006 06:32:01) [查看全文]
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