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着迷英语900句 Book3-11

[日期:2006-08-28]   [字体: ]
      MR. CRAWFORD: Were there any calls? 有没有电话?
LAURA: Yes. Your wife called fifteen minutes ago. 有. 夫人十五分钟以前打电话来.

MR. CRAWFORD: Did she leave a message? 有没有留话?
LAURA: No, sir. And your next appointment is here. Mr. Robert Gardner. 没有, 下一个人已经来了, 罗巴特?迦德纳先生.
MR. CRAWFORD: Send him in, please. 请叫他进来.
LAURA: Yes, sir. 是的, 先生.
LAURA: Your coat, Mr. Farias. 法瑞斯先生, 您的大衣.
PAUL Thank you, Ms. Segura, Good day. 谢谢你, 瑟姑拉小姐, 再见.
LAURA: Good day, sir. 再见, 先生.
LAURA: As you see, Claire, the office is very formal. 如你所看到的, 这里是非常规规矩矩的.
CLAIRE: Yes, 嗯,
CLAIRE: I realized that when Mr. Crawford interviewed me. 郭佛先生面试的时候我就领会到了.
LAURA: Well, let''s go on. The files are easy. We keep our files in alphabetical order. 好了, 我们继续吧. 档案很简单, 我们这里的档案按照字母顺序排列.
CLAIRE: Who handles the accounts? 谁管帐?
LAURA: We have an accountant. 我们请到一位会计师,
LAURA: He comes in once a month and goes over the books. 他一个月来查一次帐.
CLAIRE: Laura, may I ask you a question? 罗拉, 我有一件事想问你一下, 可以吗?
LAURA: Of course. 当然可以.
CLAIRE: May I ask why you''re leaving? 我想问你为什么辞职?
LAURA: I''d rather not say. 我宁可不说.
CLAIRE: I understand. I''m sorry. 我了解, 对不起.
LAURA: No, don''t apologize. Where were we? Oh, yes. 没关系, 不用道歉. 刚才我们讲到哪里了? 哦, 对了,
LAURA: Well, we keep the office supplies in this cabinet-paper, typewrite ribbons, pads, pencils, pens, envelopes, etc. 公司的文具都放在这个柜子里: 纸张、 打字机色带、 便笺 (印色) 、 铅笔、 钢笔、 信封等等.
LAURA: Do you have any questions so far? 到此为止有没有问题?
CLAIRE: Yes. How often do you work late? 有, 你时常工作得很晚吗?
LAURA: Hardly ever. 几乎没有过,
LAURA: Mr. Crawford doesn''t like to pay overtime. 郭佛先生不喜欢付加班费.
CLAIRE: Good. Because I don''t know if I can stay late. I go to school at night. 很好, 因为我不知道我是否能留得很晚, 我晚上要上课.
LAURA: What are you studying? 你念什么?
CLAIRE: Law. when I was a girl, I wanted to be a lawyer. And I''m going to be one. 法律, 我小的时候 就想作律师, 而我即将就是了.
LAURA: I admire you. 我真佩服你,
LAURA: It must be difficult to work while you''re going to school. 一边上班一边读书一定很辛苦.
CLAIRE: It is, but it''s what I want to do. 苦虽苦, 不过那正是我希望做的.
LAURA: Good luck. Oh, I almost forgot. We publish a World''s Fair newsletter. Henry Leeds is the editor. His office is across the hall. I think that''s it. 祝好运. 哦, 我几乎忘记了, 我们出版一份万国博览会期刊, 编辑是里德斯. 他的办公室在走廊对面, 我想那就是.
CLAIRE: Uh - where''s the ladies'' room? 嗯... 女用盥洗室在哪里?
LAURA: Oh, around the corner, second door on the left. 噢, 转弯 左边第二个门.
CLAIRE: I want to thank you for all your help. 我必须谢谢你帮我这么多的忙.
LAURA: I was happy to do it. Here are the keys. After 5:00 today, it''s all yours. One more thing, be on time! He gets angry when you''re late. 我很高兴能够帮你忙, 钥匙给你. 今天五点后 全交给你了, 还有一件事, 要准时来! 当你迟到的时候他会生气的.
AA: What am I doing here? What''s wrong with this office? Everyone''s so quiet. Nobody talks, nobody smiles. 我在这里做什么? 这家公司是怎么搞的? 所有的人都那么沈默, 没有人说话, 没有人微笑.
AA: Oh well, yesterday was only the first day, and things can change. In any case, it won''t last forever. 不要想了, 昨天只是第一天; 情况总可以改变. 无论如何, 这是暂时性的.
AA: All right. It''s 8:30. Where is everybody? 好了, 八点半了, 人都到哪里去了?
AA: You''re early, Claire. Relax. Look around. I wonder where the newsletter file is. 克蕾尔, 你来早了, 不要紧张, 熟悉环境, 我不知道那个期刊档案在哪里?
CLAIRE: -- Good morning, Mr. Crawford. 您早. -- 郭佛先生
MR.CRAWFORD: -- Good morning, Ms... Lindstrom. You''re here early. Excellent. -- 早安, 林斯顿小姐, 你来早了, 很好.
AA: I don''t know when I''m going find the time to study. I can study during my lunch hour, I guess. 我不知道什么时候才能抽空念书. 大概可以在吃午餐的时候念书吧! 我想
AA: Here they come. 8:55 exactly. 他们来了, 八点五十五分正.
HENRY: -- Good morning, Claire. My name is Henry. We met yesterday. I edit the newsletter. -- 克蕾尔早, 我叫亨利, 我们昨天见过面的. 期刊是我编辑的.
CLAIRE: -- Yes, of course I remember. Good morning, Henry. -- 对, 我当然记得, 亨利您早.


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