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[日期:2007-04-24]   [字体: ]



1)a.He was the one who did the ________of the work and got the most of the money.

  b.I must make a ________of things to buy.

2)a.Let's put our ________together and solve this problem.

   b.Dick seems to have ________bad luck all week.

3)a.I ________the balloon over to him with my hand.

   b.The children haven't had a ________to eat all day.

4)a.The air in the coach was with ________tobacco fumes.

   b.When she got up,she felt a little________ and took some medicine.

5)a.I missed some of the ________points in the argument.

   b.Discounts do not apply to gift certificates,________clubs already discounted at a higher offer.

6)a.The children were jumping about and full of________.

   b.The north wind cuts like a ________.

7)a.Mr Hart has ________his daughter for years.

   b.The Niagara River ________into Lake Ontario.When flooded,the swamp drains northward.

8)a.The police found a ________which will help them catch the robber.

   b.For hiring information,contact the individual ________you are interested in.

9)a.The children's cheeks ________from the cold.

   b.He's ________into a fine young man.

10)a.We spent a very ________evening.

   b.________at the meeting were the leading members of the departments concerned.


It is natural for young people to be ________of their parents at times and to ________them for most of the misunderstandings between them. They have always ________,more or less ________, that their parents are out of ________with modern ways;thatthey are ________and ________;thatthey do not trust their children to deal with________; that they talk too much about certain problems— and that,they have no ________of humour,at least in parent-child ________.


21)What is the major subject of the talk?


22)Why do some people prefer nylon brushes?


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