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[日期:2007-04-24]   [字体: ]


  Do you want to say what you think in a letter to Jimmy Carter, President(总统)of the United States?. You'll get an answer from him-written in ink, not typed-after only a few days.

  Jimmy Carter gets about 4,000 letters every week. He answers every letter on special(特别的)White House paper. But he doesn't need a lot of time for it. In fact, he only gives 20 minutes a week to looking at his private letters. He has the most modem computer in the world to help him. It Costs about US $ 1,200,000.

  This computer has its own rooms on the first floor of the White House. It has a bank of electronic pens and they write like the President writes, in his favourite(最喜爱的)light blue ink. Each letter to the President gets a number according to(按照)the type of answer it needs. The pens then write the correct answer for it according to the number. Each letter takes less than a second to write. A White House official said, "It's not important that the letters come from a computer. Each letter says what the President warns to say."

  True or False(判断下列句子是否符合短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示.填入空格内):

  (1) You have to wait a long time for an answer from Jim my Carter.

  (2) The President spend8 20 minutes a week reading all his private letters.

  (3) This special writing machine is very large.

  (4) "A bank of electronic pens" here means" A special place with a lot of electronic pens in".

  (5) President Carter prefers to use light blue ink.

  (6) The computer writes less than 60 letters a minute.

Key:(1) — (6) F F T T F

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