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[初三] 完形填空专项训练(9)

[日期:2007-04-30]   [字体: ]

A close friend of my mother's lives in the country in Yorkshire,and she often goes to the beautiful town of Harrogate to         (1)her weekly shopping.After doing the shopping she usually has         (2) in a small tea shop.One afternoon she was looking forward         (3) having tea,so she went to her usual tea shop,but it was crowded with people from the market fair.The waitress felt rather sorry because there was         (4)room for a regular customer,but she offered her a place at a small table,sharing with a middle aged man.The lady was disappointed         (5)wanted a cup of tea very much,so she aGREed.The       (6)showed her a table by the front window,          (7)the man was sitting.The man smiled politely then returned to his paper back book.After a few minutes he got up and left.

The lady was drinking her tea         (8)she noticed that there was a piece of fruit cake on the man's plate.She looked around carefully but there was no sign of him.She was feeling very hungry and it seemed a dreadful shame to waste it,so she picked it         (9)and ate it.Just as she was finishing the         (10),the man reappeared and returned to the table.


1. do  2. tea    3. to  4. no  5.to   6.waitress  7. where   8. when   9. up  10. cake

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