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[日期:2007-07-07]   [字体: ]

Task 3 ?

Directions: After reading the following introduction to the course on First Certificate in English, you are required to complete the outline below it (No. 46 through 50). You should write your answers briefly (in no more than 3 words) on the Answer Sheet correspondingly.?

A local telephone directory is sometimes called the White Pages. This directory provides an alphabetic listing of names and telephone numbers and other telephone reference information. The front pages usually contain information about area codes; billing; customer service; directory assistance (帮助); local, long-distance, and international calls; time zones; rates; emergency numbers; and other items relating to telephone use.?

The next section of the telephone directory typically contains the residence listings, or entries, of community residents. The third section contains business listings, or entries, of local businesses and organizations. In some less populated (人口不密集的) or rural areas, the residence and business listings may be combined in one section.?

Some local directories contain listings of local, state and federal (联邦的) government offices and agencies. These listings might be united into the business listing section, or they may be in a separate section of the phone book. These government listings typically are arranged by the name of the state government and then by departments or agencies.?

Local Telephone Directories?

Another name: 46 ?

Arrangement of its contents:?

Listing of names and telephone numbers: given in an 47 order?

Area codes and other useful information: contained in the 48 ?

Residence listings: provided in the 49 section of the directory?

Government listings: given either in the business listing section or in a 50

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