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[日期:2008-04-06]   [字体: ]




  英语:Elisabeth 或 Elizabeth



  伊丽莎白·泰勒(Elizabeth Taylor),美国女演员。
  伊丽莎白·赫利(Elizabeth Hurley),英国女演员,模特儿,电影制作人与设计师。
  伊丽莎白·史特凡 (Elizabeth Stefan)

  伊丽莎白一世(Elizabeth I),1533年9月7日出生于格林尼治,1603年3月24日逝世于萨里,于1558年11月17日至1603年3月24日任英格兰和爱尔兰女王,是都铎王朝的第五位也是最后一位君主。她也是名义上的法国女王。她终身未嫁,因此被称为“童贞女王”。也被称为“荣光女王”(Gloriana)、“英明女王”(Good Queen Bess)。在她之前的都铎王朝君主顺序是亨利七世、亨利八世、爱德华六世和她的异母姊玛莉一世。
  她即位时英格兰处于内部因宗教分裂的混乱状态,但她不但成功地保持了英格兰的统一,而且在经过近半个世纪的统治后,使英格兰成为欧洲最强大, 富有的国家之一。英格兰文化也在此期间达到了一个顶峰,涌现出了诸如许多著名的人物,包括剧作家威廉·莎士比亚、克利斯托弗·马洛和班祖明·约翰逊;桂冠诗人爱德蒙·史宾沙将《仙后》献给她;法兰西斯·德瑞克爵士在其任内成为第一个环航地球的英国人;弗兰西斯·培根爵士发表了他对哲学与政治的观点;华达·罗利爵士和韩弗理·吉伯特爵士在北美建立了英国殖民地。她的统治期在英国历史上被称为“伊丽莎白时期”,亦称为“黄金时代”。
  伊丽莎白为人谨慎,她的座右铭是“明察无言”(video et taceo,拉丁文,直译为“我观看,而且我沈默”)。慎于荣誉的颁发和显职的授与也是她在位期间的特征。在将近四十五年里,在英格兰只授与了八个贵族头衔:一个伯爵爵位、七个男爵爵位;在爱尔兰只授与一个男爵爵位。她并将枢密院的成员由三十九人降至十九人,后来再降至十四人。









  伊丽莎白是英国历史上最受欢迎的君主。2002年,在由BBC主持的民众公选的“最伟大的100名英国人”中,伊丽莎白名列第七,超过了英国各地各代所有其他君王。2005年,在历史频道(History Channel)的纪录片《英国最伟大的君主》中,历史学家和评论家们分析了十二位英国君主,并为他们评分(根据六项指数,如军事力量和影响力等,满分为60分),伊丽莎白赢得了最高的48分。
  她经常在话剧或小说中出现。1971年格伦达·杰克逊拍摄的伊丽莎白女王和苏格兰玛丽女王深受欢迎。1998年凯特·布兰切特在伊丽莎白中扮演女王年轻的时候,朱迪·登奇在莎翁情史中扮演年老的女王。米兰达·理查森在电视连续剧黑蝰蛇中表演了一个超现实主义的女王。同性恋先驱昆汀·克利斯普在奥兰多中扮演她。本杰明·布里顿在他为伊丽莎白二世的加冕作的歌剧赞美中描绘了她与罗伯特·德弗罗的关系。2007年末,电影伊丽莎白的续集“伊丽莎白:黄金时代”(Elizabeth: The Golden Age)上映,仍由凯特·布兰切特饰演女王,描述女王登基后的一系列文治武功。
  另一方面,不少历史学家也提出了对伊丽莎白时代的批评。一些现代欧洲历史学家和传记作者开始质疑历来对都铎时代的正面评价(例如: Somerset, Guy, Haigh, Ridley, Elton)。从军事上来看伊丽莎白的英格兰并不很成功。虽然西班牙无敌舰队被击败,但这只不过是一场从1585年至1604年持续近20年的战争的开始。英格兰士兵在陆地上(主要在荷兰和法国)的所做所为平平,在1588年后的海战中也是负多胜少。1589年和1595年至1596年的海军战役尤其损失惨重。1590年至1591年在亚速尔群岛以及1597年英格兰的海盗也遭打击。1595年一支西班牙袭击队在康沃尔登陆并将该郡的大部分地区投入战火。这是历史上很少的几次外国军队在英国登陆的事件之一。更糟糕的是在玛丽一世的最后几年和伊丽莎白的开始五年中英格兰不断被从法国大陆上驱逐。这给英格兰的自尊心给予了很大的打击,而且使英格兰彻底放弃了它在大陆的野心。


  Florence Eldridge出演,Mary of Scotland (1936)
  Flora Robson出演,Fire Over England (1937), The Lion Has Wings (1939), The Sea Hawk (1940)
  贝蒂·戴维斯出演,伊丽莎白与埃塞克斯的私生活(The Private Lives of Elizabeth and Essex,1939),童贞女王(The Virgin Queen,1955)
  珍·西蒙斯(Jean Simmons)出演,Young Bess (1953)
  Agnes Moorehead出演,The Story of Mankind (1957)
  Quentin Crisp出演,Orlando (1993)
  凯特·布兰切特出演,伊丽莎白(Elizabeth, 1998, 获奥斯卡最佳女主角提名),及其续集伊丽莎白:黄金年代(Elizabeth: The Golden Age,2006年4月开拍)
  茱蒂·丹契(Judi Dench)出演,莎翁情史 (Shakespeare in Love,1998,获奥斯卡最佳女配角奖)

  Glenda Jackson出演,BBC电视剧集Elizabeth R(1971),获艾美奖
  Miranda Richardson出演,BBC情景喜剧Blackadder第二季
  Anne-Marie Duff出演,BBC四集电视剧The Virgin Queen (2005)
  海伦·米伦(Helen Mirren)出演,Channel 4二集电视剧Elizabeth I(2005/06),获艾美奖

  伊丽莎白二世(英语:Elizabeth II,全名:伊丽莎白·亚历山德拉·玛丽·温莎,英语:Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor,1926年4月21日—),现任英国君主,是英国、英联邦及15个成员国的国家元首,同时也是英国国教会的最高首领。她的头衔全称为“蒙上帝恩典,大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国与其属土及领地之女王,伊丽莎白二世,英联邦之首,信仰的守护者”(Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of GREat Britain and Northern Ireland and of Her other Realms and Territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith)。她于1952年2月6日登基,是目前在位时间第2长的国家元首(仅次于1946年上位的泰国泰王蒲美蓬·阿杜德),在她作为国家元首的国度中大约生活着1.25亿人。

  在认可伊丽莎白二世为国家元首的15个英联邦国家中,她作为国家元首的地位是受到宪法承认的。原先这些国家都曾是英国的殖民地或自治领。早先的《威斯敏斯特法令》(Statute of Westminster)用来区分英国的殖民地和英帝国的自治领,根据该法令,“任何可能改变王位继承和王室头衔的法律都必须在获得英国议会和所有自治领议会的同意后才可实施。”而这15个在独立后继续承认女王(或国王)为其国家元首的国家事实上取得了近似于这种自治领的地位,虽然根据《威斯敏斯特法令》这些国家并非自治领,也无权单独决定改变继承方法。当伊丽莎白二世去世后她的后人将根据这些国家的宪法成为其国家元首,而非根据继承原则。
  伊丽莎白二世为国家元首的16个国家:安提瓜和巴布达、澳大利亚、巴哈马、巴巴多斯、伯利兹、加拿大、格林纳达、牙买加、新西兰(自1981年,作为新西兰国家元首的英王,兼任库克群岛的元首)、巴布亚新几内亚、圣基茨和尼维斯、圣卢西亚 圣文森特和格林纳丁斯、所罗门群岛、图瓦卢、英国

  伊丽莎白二世出生在伦敦外祖父母的家中,她的曾祖母是亚历山德拉王后,祖母是玛丽王后。她的父亲当时还是约克公爵, 10年后成为乔治六世。
  1947年12月20日伊丽莎白与希腊的菲利浦王子结婚。菲利浦是她的第三代表哥,他俩的高祖母都是维多利亚女王(菲利浦王子在结婚前宣誓放弃希腊王位的继承权,在爱丁堡公爵这个头衔之前他没有任何头衔,就叫作菲利浦·蒙巴顿中尉)。伊丽莎白又同时持有爱丁堡公爵夫人的称号。这桩婚事非常适合一位即将继承王位的女性,因为她的夫君接受过王室训练,却又不会继任另一国的王位。但是这桩婚姻却不是刻意安排的,两人的关系经历了许多考验,最终也是在她本人的坚持下达成的。这些考验包括菲利浦不忠的流言,和伊丽莎白祖母和父母对於菲利浦的四个姐姐们都是德国籍王妃所引起的猜忌。 当时健在的三位姐姐不被邀请出席弟弟的婚礼, 母亲由于在英国出生及成长则获准出席.
  婚后夫妇两人居住在伦敦的克莱伦斯宫(Clarence Palace)。他们育有四个孩子(见下)。虽然英国的王朝被称为温莎王朝,夫妇两人同意他们的孩子应该使用蒙巴顿-温莎(Mountbatten-Windsor)作为他们的姓氏。


  女王在行政机关也拥有象征性的角色。英国政府被称为“女王政府”(Her Majesty's Government),技术上是由女王负责任命大臣。但事实上女王不能任命或罢免大臣、官员;首相一职一般由下议院多数党领袖担任,然后由首相“建议”女王任命其他内阁成员。而且英国政府也不向女王负责,它必须向下议院负责,即间接地向英国选民负责。女王也参与到国家的司法体制中,法庭以她的名义行事,政府也为了女王提起公诉。
  女王也经常会见苏格兰首席大臣(Scottish First Minister)。曾经是苏格兰君主们居住的王室宫殿荷里路德宫(Palace of Holyroodhouse)也重新得到利用,现在一般都有一名王室成员居住在此(往往是威尔斯亲王)。女王也查阅威尔斯议会的报告。


  伊丽莎白·亚美莉·欧根妮(Elisabeth Amalie Eugenie,1837年12月24日出生于德国慕尼黑,1898年9月10日在瑞士日内瓦被刺身亡),但通常被家人与朋友昵称为茜茜(Sisi),是巴伐利亚女公爵与公主,后来成为奥地利皇后兼匈牙利王后。

  伊丽莎白是巴伐利亚的马科西米利安·约瑟夫公爵(维特尔斯巴赫家族的一个旁支)与同宗的路多维卡公主(巴伐利亚国王马克西米利安一世的女儿)的八女。她在施塔恩贝格湖畔的帕萨霍森城堡长大,周遭的环境没有繁文缛节而且自由自在,由于父母在王宫里没有任何职务和义务。 所以绰号疯子麦斯的父亲常年云游四海。母亲则是将所有的心血都用来栽培美丽的姐姐海伦以便她将来成为一名皇后。
  1853年伊丽莎白随她母亲与姐姐海伦赴奥地利伊舍,原定计划是海伦应当在那里引起其表哥、奥地利皇帝弗兰茨·约瑟夫一世的注意。 但出乎意外的是弗兰茨·约瑟夫一世竟然爱上了未满16岁的伊丽莎白。 两人于1854年4月24日在维也纳结婚。 弗兰茨·约瑟夫将伊舍的行宫作为结婚礼物送给了伊丽莎白。 此后这座行宫被改建成了一个E字形。
  从一开始伊丽莎白就很难接受哈布斯堡王朝宫廷内所使用的严格的宫廷规矩,因此她在皇宫里非常孤立。她本人喜欢骑马、读书和艺术,而这些又是维也纳宫廷无法理解的。婚后她很快生了三个孩子:索菲(1855年—1857年)、吉赛拉(1856年—1932年)和太子鲁道夫(1858年—1889年)。但被婆婆苏菲剥夺子女们的抚养权,她与弗兰茨·约瑟夫之间的关系开始恶化,遗传下来的精神不稳定也越来越明显。 她的儿子出生后不久她就离开了奥地利长期旅行,其中去了马德拉、英国和匈牙利。
  此后不久她生了她的第四个孩子,玛丽·瓦莱丽(1868年—1924年),这次她坚持要按自己的方式抚养这个孩子。 这是伊丽莎白与她丈夫弗兰茨·约瑟夫短暂和好的日子, 她是伊丽莎白的爱女,也是父母之间的传话筒。 但此后不久伊丽莎白就又开始了她漫无目的的旅行生活。1890年她开始在希腊的科福岛上建一座宫殿。她称这座宫殿为阿喀琉斯宫,并在宫前树立了一座阿喀琉斯的像。伊丽莎白非常喜欢阿喀琉斯,因为两人同样的倔强。但后来她对这座宫殿又丧失了兴趣,1907年这座宫殿被卖给了德国皇帝威廉二世。


  1955年,因罗密·施奈德与卡尔海因茨伯姆合演电影《茜茜公主》(茜多音字 亦读西xi )而使她的名字广为人知,但注意的是,电影与原著小说的原文片名《Sissi》与公主实际上的小名《Sisi》在拼字上有点出入。
  20世纪80年代,伊丽莎白被封存70多年的诗歌体日记得以重见天日。布莉吉特·哈曼(Brigitte Hamann)女士出版了伊丽莎白的诗歌和绘画,在进行解析后,撰写了一本传记:《伊丽莎白:不情愿的皇后》(Elisabeth, Kaiserin Wider Willen),首次向人们完整展示了和过往影视演绎截然不同的,伊丽莎白真实的一生。
  1992年9月3日,取材于这部传记,一部由Michael Kunze编剧,Sylvester Levay作曲的音乐剧Elisabeth,首演于维也纳大剧院并创下了当地票房的历史纪录,“重振维也纳戏剧艺术的辉煌”,自此成为迄今最成功的德语音乐剧。尽管维也纳原版停演于1998年4月25日(正巧是伊丽莎白逝世一百周年),它依然极受欢迎,各个不同版本在其他欧洲城市纷纷上演:匈牙利,荷兰,瑞典,德国,意大利,芬兰。日本宝冢剧团从1996年开始上演日本版,并在剧中添加了几首新的歌曲。2003年,《伊丽莎白》再次回到了维也纳大剧院,并在2005年12月4日落幕。从2003年开始,已有30万人观看了这部音乐剧的维也纳版现场,

  伊丽莎白二世 (Queen Elizabeth II) ,全称为“大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国与其他国土和领地之女王,联邦的元首”。1926年4月21日生于伦敦,原名为伊丽莎白·亚历山德拉·玛丽 (Elizabeth Alexandra Mary),是英国温莎王朝第四代君主、英王乔治六世的长女。自幼在皇宫内接受教育,主修宪法史和法律。她在历史、语言和音乐方面有造诣,能流利地讲法语、西班牙语和德语。第二次世界大战后期参加英国本土辅助部队,接受驾驶和维修摩托车的训练。1947年7月9日,她与远房表兄、希腊和丹麦亲王菲利普·蒙巴顿中尉(现为爱丁堡公爵,菲利普亲王)订婚,同年11月20日结婚。

  伊丽莎白·泰勒(英文名:Elizabeth Taylor)一直被看做是美国电影史上最具有好莱坞色彩的人物:由童星成长起来的她貌美如花,她可以清纯,也可以妖艳,她的魅力、演技使她夺得3次奥斯卡奖,曾经的放纵,也使她显得肥胖和衰老。她的美貌、她的电影、她的丈夫……使得半个多世纪以来的她始终是媒体追逐的目标。她仿佛是浓缩了的好莱坞样本:艺术、美貌、金钱、爱情和注定要失败的婚姻。


【英文名称】:Elisaleth Coffee
【材    料】:意大利热咖啡8分满、紫罗兰利口酒15毫升、鲜奶油适量、紫罗兰花少许、紫罗兰花粉1茶匙
【制    法】:将热咖啡倒入杯中约8分满,加入紫罗兰香甜酒,上面再旋转挤入一层鲜奶油,放紫罗兰花、撒上紫罗兰花粉。

Elizabeth (English: Elizabeth or Elisabeth) from the Hebrew of the Christian woman.

On the name
Name meaning
"Elizabeth" This name originated in Hebrew names to Lishaba (א ֱ ל ִ י ש ֶ ׁ ב ַ ע), in the Old Testament of this is the name of Aaron's wife. "Lishaba" the literal meaning is "to swear in the name of God." Early in the GREek text of the Bible, the name will be written to the Greek form of Ελισάβετ. European countries homology name is derived from the Greek form.

Various languages in the form of
English: Elisabeth or Elizabeth
German: Elisabeth
Russian: Елизаве ́ та
Italian: Elisabetta
Romanian: Elisabeta
Hungarian: Erzsébet

Main variants

Monarchs and aristocrats:
Elizabeth I, Queen of England.
Elizabeth II, Queen of England.
Bavaria Elizabeth's nickname Sisi (Sisi), the Duke of Bavaria and Princess woman, and later became Queen Austria and Hungary queen, commonly known as Qianqiangongzhu.

Elizabeth Taylor (Elizabeth Taylor), the United States actress.
Elizabeth Hurley (Elizabeth Hurley), the British actress, model, film producers and designers.
Shite where Elizabeth (Elizabeth Stefan)

Elizabeth I
Elizabeth I (Elizabeth I), 1533 7 September Born in GREenwich, on March 24, 1603 in the death of Surrey, in November 17, 1558 to March 24, 1603 the Queen of England and Ireland, is the Tudor Dynasty fifth and final one monarch. She is also the name of France Queen.未嫁her life, was known as the "Virgin Queen." Also known as the "glory of the Queen" (Gloriana), "Wise Queen" (Good Queen Bess). In her previous order of Tudor monarchs is Henry VII and Henry VIII, Edward VI, and her sister Mary异母lives.
When she ascended the throne of England at the internal split due to the chaotic state of religion, but she has not only succeeded in maintaining the unity of England, but after nearly half a century of rule, to England to become Europe's most powerful, richest countries in the world. England during this culture also has reached a peak, has produced many well-known figures such as, including playwright William Shakespeare, and Chris Tuofumaluo classes Jieming Johnson; poet laureate Aidemeng history Binsha "Aw after" dedicated to her; Sir Francis Drake during his tenure of office as the first part of the British Air Earth; Sir Francis Bacon published his philosophy and political views; Huada Raleigh and Sir Han mandrax rationale Gibrat Sir established British colony in North America. She rule period in British history to be called "Elizabeth period," also known as the "golden age."
Elizabeth cautious people, her motto is "Mingcui speechless" (video et taceo, Latin, literally translated as "I watched, and I am silent"). Shen was awarded the honor of the post and was granted during her reign characteristics. For almost 45 years, in England and only granted eight aristocratic title: a Count title, seven Baroness title in Ireland with only one delegate Baroness title. She and the members of the Privy Council from 39 to 19 people, later reduced to 14.
Virginia (formerly the British colony of the United States is a state) is her "Virgin Queen" to the name of the title.

Elizabeth was born in London Puleisenxi Palace, she was Henry VIII's second and his Queen Anne Boleyn only surviving child. As her parents by the Protestant religious marriage, the Catholic Church that she is an illegitimate child. She was born designated as heir to the throne, her half-sister Mary as her waitress officials. Three-year-old Elizabeth, her mother, was sentenced to death of treason, one year after Henry VIII and his third Queen Jane Seymour birth to a boy on: Edwards. Elizabeth and Mary Edwards have become the servants.
Henry was the queen who was stripped of the two Princess title following the women are good, I have often Henry concern their growth, they are well educated and reliable friend and partner of the same age. Henry died in 1547, his last Kaiselinmoer who queen and her new husband Thomas Seymour (Jane Seymour he is the new king's brother and uncle Edward VI) conservation Elizabeth. Seymour was attracted by the young Elizabeth, his wife died, he had intended to marry her as a woman, but he and his brother Edward Seymour later in a series of power struggles were executed.
Elizabeth by good education, her teachers, including Britain's famous Renaissance humanist Luojieashikan. She has been classical, history, mathematics, poetry and language education. During her rule, and said she can write six languages: English, French, Italian, Spanish, Latin and GREek. In Kaiselinmoer and her other teachers under the influence of Elizabeth as a Protestant.
In her brother during his lifetime, her position is relatively stable, but Edwards in 1553 because of tuberculosis or arsenic poisoning death. Kum Geleifu people only had nine days the Queen, her home was overturned Weng accomplices, and was subsequently executed power of the Queen Mary. Mary is a devout Catholic, she converted to Catholicism forced Elizabeth. Although on the surface Elizabeth Ban on, but heart is still a Protestant. Mary this very dissatisfied. There are even a short time, Elizabeth was held to Tower. Some people think that she is here to know she was loved Robert Dudley Earl of Leicester, but more likely that they had known in childhood has.
Elizabeth-the life, but Mary and Spain's King Philip II's wedding makes reintegration of the Catholic Church in England has increased the possibility of this people and England are very dissatisfied with the aristocracy. 1558 Mary I died without son, she became the legal successor to Elizabeth. British Parliament reiterated the provisions of King Henry VIII's Elizabeth as a successor arrangement.

Elizabeth on January 15, 1559 was crowned in Westminster for the Queen, her position was precarious. She was the coronation day of the famous British mathematician and astrologer Shidihan Dee selected, and said it particularly auspicious. To her coronation is Kalishile bishops, he is in the church community was able to find the highest recognition of the legal status of her people. The same year she has been signed to end the war Cardoso Italy - Kyrgyzstan Hom to accompany the treaty.

Elizabeth 44 during the rule of the struggle against the British religious differences very strong. 1530 years of Henry VIII's break with the Catholic Church, the Anglican establishment. Edward VI during the brief rule of the doctrine of the Anglican Church has improved steadily. Anglican Church during the reign of Queen Mary I, lost its dominant position. Elizabeth restored the status of the Anglican Church. Elizabeth rule in the first two years, she issued a supreme decree of a single law and that King is also the supreme leader of the Church.
Although she tried to religious extremism to find a compromise between the faction of the road to follow, but she is a Protestant. Especially in the Irish Catholics and the other is that the infidels were persecuted. Weiliansaixier her closest political advisers, she specially created for Cecil Lord of the Kimberley this title. Cecil died in 1598, his son, Robert Cecil became Queen Elizabeth's closest advisers, but Robert is far from his father's ability to achieve. She management institutions is another important figure of Sir Francis Huaxing Han. Huaxing Han in the whole of Europe set up a spy network. He can guarantee that all of the Queen of the conspiracy was as far as he knew.

Elizabeth on her biggest criticism is not to provide a successor. Others had always thought she would get married and have children, many people seek her, including her former brother-in-law, King Philip of Spain, as well as the Earl of Leicester her Long Chen. Many people believe that she is the Earl of Leicester's wife. Elizabeth is wise to avoid them. A few years later, when she was the consolidation of the rule, it is becoming increasingly clear that she will not get married and have children has.
When people ask her why she is not married, she mentioned her sister during the rule of her situation. Queen Mary when she is not only the most taboo, but rebels such as Sir Tuomashifute also used her name. She therefore wise to recognize that if she designation of a successor, she's status would be curtailed, and that at one stroke can give her enemies to provide a stimulus, because they can take advantage of this successor to oppose her. But no successor will not be in England before she died circumstances into civil war. This is 1562 she almost died from smallpox at this point very clearly. For a period of time Elizabeth has been seriously considered get married and have children. However, a Catholic husband is not obvious, and the husband of a Protestant such as Lester Earl court will immediately increase the sectarian struggle. Whatever her chosen Everyone will have no good results. Regardless of her personal orientation, and the situation she was in any consideration-not materialize.
She was there is a number of possible successors, but Elizabeth has not considered them. Her niece Table Queen Machishituete Scotland is a Catholic. In her before he fled from Scotland, and even then she has been a very possible successor. Mary Elizabeth Although after being accepted by her, but she will be imprisoned to protect Mary Mary unable to threaten her position. Mary's son James was still a child, he was not in the test before he would not be taken into account. Other candidates it is not likely. Elizabeth one of the crash, Lady Jane GREy's sister Catherine Geleifu because of marriage contrary to the wishes of Elizabeth angered Elizabeth. Kaiselingelei sister is a piggy back Maligelei Dwarfs. Elizabeth has been at the Mary I hope Scotland will be in accordance with Protestant and Ban Elizabeth considered reliable find a husband, so she jailed in England in the Queen Mary during her successor will be a question of pushing再推.
At the same time she continue to have the possibility of marriage. She had considered many in France, the Prince of finding a husband. The first proposal is smaller than her 20-year-old Henry Duke of Orleans (and later Henry III), was king of the way the younger brother of Charles IX. When the proposal was rejected, she also considered the king of the way younger brother Francois Alangsong Duke. But the premature deaths François make this scheme also bankrupt.
Finally in 1568 she qualified to be a successor of England, Catherine Geleifu people dead. Elizabeth was forced to once again consider the Scottish Queen Mary. Mary Elizabeth recommendations and the Earl of Leicester marriage, but Mary rejected this proposal. But when Mary's son James has been a Protestant education. 1570 king of the way to convince Mary Elizabeth return to Scotland. But Elizabeth made many harsh demands, one of which is to allow James to stay in England. Nevertheless Cecil or her advisers continue to try to help Mary to Scotland. But the Scots refused to accept the Queen, therefore attempted.
Elizabeth marriage and personal life has always been a people's issue. Known as the "Virgin Queen" does not mean that her life no sex life. She alive when there are many illegitimate child rumor, the Earl of Leicester, Robert Dudley, Earl of Essex, Robert Devereux, and so is generally considered her Qingfu. But on the other hand, there are rumors that her unmarried life because they can not fertility, because she might even have some of the functional deficiencies. Biographer Stephen Zweig, Lee Dayton Shitelaiqi that hold this view.

The end of religious tolerance
While this new pope asylum V on February 25, 1570 to eliminate the Education Elizabeth membership. This makes Elizabeth unable to continue her religious tolerance policy.
At the same time her enemies on her plot also makes her very furious. 20 to Mary Elizabeth has been trying not to challenge. But when she into her Catholic sympathizers in the plot. The mastermind of the conspiracy is Anthony Babington, the aim is to rescue the Queen Mary that she was Elizabeth and substituting. Elizabeth, this is for a good enemy to eliminate this major opportunity. She executed in 1587 by the Queen Mary (It is said that she was not willing under this Order).

The war with Spain
Elizabeth French Protestants Henglisishi to provide troops and money to allow him to the French throne. In his eight-year war in the Netherlands to the Orange Order Protestant Prince William I (silent) provide the army against Spain to let him rule. Not only that, in 1568, Sir Frank Drake and Sir Dihanhejinshi a Slave leadership of the Spanish Royal Navy Fleet was seriously injured after Spain's Finance Fleet constantly being shipped England pirates looting. King Philip II of Spain decided to Mary's death as an excuse to repel invasion of England in England to Spain in the European continent and the challenges of its overseas colonies.
1588, Spain invincible to the fleet towards England. Elizabeth regardless of the parties for her personal safety concerns, Tilbury in Essex County without armor guards Not reviewed the Navy, and has published a history of one of the most famous speech. After using location and weather conditions, the English navy defeated the invading invincible Fleet, Elizabeth with the news after only six entourage left the fortress to the town with her subjects to celebrate the victory.
Nevertheless, in 1589 Spain beat England counter of a larger fleet. The war has been extended to 1604, the two sides effectively tied for first place, both in the sea or on land in England and could not prevail. Starting from the 1594 outbreak in Ireland is also a guerrilla war.
Elizabeth Chong Chen is the last years of Robert Devereux, who is the step-son of the Earl of Leicester. She even forgave some of his misdemeanour, but Robert participate in a 1601 riot, Elizabeth was forced to his death.

Elizabeth never married, her death is the end of the Tudors. In her old age, when she had to identify her successor, she was more inclined to table her grandniece, she executed the Scottish Queen Mary's son James. But she has never officially named his successor. March 24, 1603 she died of Richmond Surrey Palace. She was buried in Westminster. She is the successor to James lives. James has become the time of James VI of Scotland. At that time, England and Scotland Goal of a monarchy, a dynasty's rule, the British began the process of reunifying the first joint ─ ─ royal family, but England and Scotland two countries still maintain its own independent operation of the government. She died 50 years later, the British outbreak of the civil war, the United Kingdom has become a short-lived republic.

British culture
Elizabeth is the United Kingdom during the cultural development of an important period. Literature, especially poetry and drama has entered a golden age. British study on the other continents, especially for the Americas inspected entered a new stage. Like her father, she also engaged in writing and translation, she personally translated Horace "Poetic Art." She had some of the speech and translation work has been circulated so far.

And evaluation of effects
Elizabeth is the most popular British monarch in history. In 2002, the BBC presided over by the election of the people "of the GREatest 100 British," the Elizabeth ranked seventh, more than the rest of the UK on behalf of all the other kings. 2005, in the History Channel (History Channel), the documentary "Britain's greatest monarchs," the historians and commentators of 12 British monarch, as well as their score (based on six indices, such as military force and influence, full marks for 60 points), Elizabeth won the maximum 48 points.
She often appeared in the drama or fiction. 1971 Glenda Jackson shooting of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mary and the popularity of Scotland. 1998 Kaitebulan Blanchett plays Queen Elizabeth in a young man, Judith Deji Shawengqingshi play in the old Queen. Miranda Richardson in a television soap operas and performing in a Dodge Viper surrealistic the Queen. Homosexual pioneer Hundingkelishipu she played in Orlando. Benjamin Bulidu in his Elizabeth II's coronation praise for the opera and she described the relationship between Robert Devereux. The end of 2007, the sequel to the film Elizabeth "Elizabeth: The Golden Age" (Elizabeth: The Golden Age) exhibition, still playing Kaitebulanqiete Queen, the Queen described the throne after a series of Wenchiwugong.
Later, the British rulers, the rule of Elizabeth and then many people have special significance. Sir Walter Laleige, Derrek Madingfuluo Bichet and jazz became the prototype of the explorer, William Shakespeare, Sir Christopher Fumaluo and Sir Francis Bacon as the future generations of writers model. On the religious issue Elizabeth Although ruled with an iron fist, but at the same time compared to her opponent on the mainland, she give her commanders and advisers GREater freedom. Elizabeth period of relative political openness, but also resulted in publicizing the "monarchical power delegated God" from the Stuart dynasty to enter Scotland, England all walks of life because of the contrast between the strong start to the pursuit of democracy, freedom and values, and ultimately triggered the civil war and the establishment of British World the first democratic regime one of the important causes.
Although she sometimes drawing up military action strategies (such as England in 1589 to Spain and Portugal Expeditionary), but she has never been Henry V, Oliver Cromwell or, as Sir Winston Churchill himself as military leaders. Many military or captain of the expedition are the cause of personal decision, the Royal permission (especially for piracy) is the replacement later. At that time, the literature is not receive the support of the Royal. So many times Elizabeth events and cultural creation is actually the sum of many individual actions. Later on, especially during the British imperialism, this is a symbolic significance.
On the other hand, many historians also made a criticism of the era of Elizabeth. Some modern European historians and biographers have always questioned the beginning of the Tudor era of positive (for example: Somerset, Guy, Haigh, Ridley, Elton). From the military perspective, Elizabeth of England is not very successful. Although Fleet was defeated Spain invincible, but it is only a from 1585 to 1604 nearly 20 years of the start of the war. England soldiers on the land (mainly in the Netherlands and France) done modest, in 1588 after the naval battle in the less-is more negative. 1589 and 1595-1596 naval battle especially heavy losses. 1590-91 in the Azores and England in 1597 were also against the Pirates. 1595 Spain attacks a landing team in Cornwall and most parts of the county into war. This is rarely the history of several foreign troops landing in the United Kingdom one of the events. Even worse is that in the last few years of the Queen Mary I, Elizabeth and the beginning of five years in England constantly being expelled from France on the continent. This gives the pride of England gave a GREat blow, and that England completely abandon its ambitions in the mainland.
Elizabeth's hesitant decisions, particularly to the disadvantage of the military action. In 1589 Spain and Portugal on the expedition in the siege of the British garrison did not carry guns and cannons. But her care is a reason, perhaps because they are long-term considerations: Without a solid strategy to her involvement in England expensive is not necessarily successful adventure. She therefore unwilling to deal with a powerful army or fleet operations at the waste of precious resources.
Elizabeth during England's economy is unstable. At that time, England and the Netherlands Northern Germany Lufthansa Union Wool Exchange growing, and this will bring a lot of benefits. Elizabeth initially accepted the rule of Queen Mary left 3 million pounds of huge debts. Elizabeth, and her Xisaier other officials have to take extreme measures to limit state spending. These means sometimes brings other difficulties, as many soldiers (including resistance invincible Fleet soldiers) are not long salary. But with the development of this country's economic situation improved. When the war with Spain at the start of England's economic success from Henry VII is not seen before.
Spain and England to the war brought the economy to a tremendous burden. England from 1590 to the beginning of liabilities. Ireland especially to the guerrilla war in England brought GREat economic losses, it was known as "England treasury funnel." Elizabeth had to sell state-owned land, as well as official. 1603 England again reach 3 million pounds of debt, and Elizabeth rule at the beginning of almost. But later James I, in times of peace debt far exceeds the speed of Elizabeth, and Elizabeth left behind is not beyond the control of the debt.
Elizabeth rule on the recent criticism particularly concentrated in the African slave trade in England and Ireland, she unwise. This unwise has seriously affected the development of the United Kingdom and Ireland. England in 1562 to join the trans-Atlantic slave trade activities, and at that time, Sir Dihanhejinshi began selling high-profit steal the slaves activities. He Guinea from African ports or other human goods he received, and then shipped to the West Indies captured the Spanish slave market betrayed. Queen Elizabeth began a scolding Hawkins participate in such an immoral trade, but when she revealed that he Hawkins to the cause of the profits, she quickly changed her views. She not only shielding Hawkins trade, but also directly benefit from, or even to provide him with vessels and personnel.
Queen Elizabeth Hawkins of the slave trade support for the trade to the Royal recognition, it makes the legalization of the trade, it makes more British businessmen to participate in any more. So Queen Elizabeth and the United States have been criticized as Thomas Jefferson: Although she is morally believe that this trade is not legitimate, but she still directly profit from the slave trade.
Starting from Hengliershi between England and Ireland on the existence of a political ties. But Tudor England to Ireland until the rule is very limited. Tudor started to strengthen the rule of the Irish aristocracy. Henry VIII severed after Ireland with the Catholic Church even exacerbate the problem, because Ireland is still predominantly Catholic. 1568 Spain to become rivals Ireland after the issue has become a security issue involving England. England to Ireland is notorious officials, they are corruption, the Irish without understanding, creating enemy everywhere. Small uprising was suppressed immediately. Elizabeth in 1570 after being expelled from the membership of the persecution of Catholics more intensified so that the relationship between the two peoples even worse. 1594 finally began 2009 outbreak of the war.
The war and four centuries in the United States after the Vietnam War almost with the situation. Ireland insurgents use guerrilla warfare to weaken and defeat means to suppress them, well-equipped and trained soldiers England. England, the war especially expensive. British troops of several huge losses. British troops have adopted a scorched-earth policy Finally, if Ireland were suspected of participating in resistance, he killed the whole family, the British burning of fields, destruction of farms, created an unprecedented artificial famine.
1604 James I, in his first order of apology to Ireland before the end of the war. But the cruelty of the war to Ireland to the British people of hatred, hostility and mistrust have been genetic.
But participation in the slave trade in England and Ireland, according to the prevailing policy in the view of the situation. Although Elizabeth Hawkins trade on the moral be accused, but she was facing 3 million pounds of huge debts. Hawkins to provide her with the economic resources is not rejected by her. Elizabeth regardless of how the United Kingdom during the slave trade is much smaller than Spain and Portugal, the Netherlands was also less than in the 17th century slave trade.
Elizabeth's policy on Ireland to Spain for her as a "Catholic backdoor" fear. This issue from the Protestant reform in the country unwise. It can not simply be resolved. Of course, Elizabeth and her officials in Ireland undoubtedly exacerbated by the policy of this conflict, but it is also strategic reasons.
Elizabeth left her successor a difficult and unstable country. Especially in the economic and religious many of the problems have not been solved. She is the most important contribution she concerned about her subjects, she defended the rule, the use of a good consultant. She helped England avoid the rule of the economic crisis and religious war. But the war in the 17th century or in support of the royalist Chailiyishi and Cromwell broke out between the leadership of the Protestants.

Popular Culture
In film and television, the image of Queen Elizabeth often arise. Include:

Florence Eldridge star, Mary of Scotland (1936)
Flora Robson star, Fire Over England (1937), The Lion Has Wings (1939), The Sea Hawk (1940)
Beididaiweishi star, Elizabeth and the privacy of Essex (The Private Lives of Elizabeth and Essex, 1939), the Virgin Queen (The Virgin Queen, 1955)
Simmons-zhen (Jean Simmons) star, Young Bess (1953)
Agnes Moorehead star, The Story of Mankind (1957)
Quentin Crisp star, Orlando (1993)
Kaitebulan Blanchett star, Elizabeth (Elizabeth, in 1998, was nominated for Best Actress Oscar), and its sequel Elizabeth: Golden Age (Elizabeth: The Golden Age, in April 2006 shooting)
Zhudidanjie (Judi Dench) star, Shawengqingshi (Shakespeare in Love, 1998, the Academy Award for best supporting actress)

Glenda Jackson star, the BBC TV series Elizabeth R (1971), the Emmy
Miranda Richardson star, the BBC comedy Blackadder scenes of the second quarter
Anne-Marie Duff star, the BBC four-episode TV series The Virgin Queen (2005)
Hailunmilun (Helen Mirren) appear, Channel 4 two-episode TV series Elizabeth I (2005/06), the Emmy

Elizabeth II
Elizabeth II (English: Elizabeth II, Full Name: Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor, English: Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor, April 21, 1926 -), the current British monarch, the United Kingdom, the Commonwealth and 15 members of the heads of state, but also the highest Anglican leaders. She called the title "God's grace Mongolia, the United Kingdom and its dependent territories and territories of Queen Elizabeth II, the head of the Commonwealth, the guardian of faith" (Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of GREat Britain and Northern Ireland and of Her other Realms and Territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith). She was on February 6, 1952 accession to the throne, is the No. 2 long time incumbent heads of state (after Thailand's 1946 Upper King Adunyadet Peng Po US), in her country as the head of state about 125 million people live.

Constitutional status
In the United Kingdom, Elizabeth II is based on the throne in 1701's "throne inheritance laws" inheritance, she is a Protestant Christian, and did not marry a Roman Catholic. Although the United Kingdom is generally blood inherit the throne, but the British Parliament since 1688 after the glorious revolution has the right to decide who will inherit the throne. (See the British throne succession)
Queen Elizabeth II in recognition of the head of state in 15 Commonwealth countries, her status as head of state is recognized by the Constitution. These countries have originally a British colony, or self-governing. Earlier "Westminster Act" (Statute of Westminster) to distinguish between British colony of the British Empire and Dominion, in accordance with the Act, "any possible change in the throne succession of the royal family and the legal title must be in the British parliament and all Dominion Parliament only after the implementation of the aGREement. "which is 15 in the post-independence continue to be recognized by the Queen (or King) for the heads of state of countries in fact have made such a self-governing status similar, although the" Westminster Act "These countries are not self-governing, but also the right to separate decided to change the method of succession. When Elizabeth II after the death of her descendants will be in accordance with the Constitution of the country such as its head of state, rather than in accordance with the principle of succession.
Queen Elizabeth II is head of state of 16 countries: Antigua and Barbuda, Australia, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Canada, GREnada, Jamaica, New Zealand (1981, as a New Zealand head of state King, also the Croatian Islands of heads of state), Papua New Guinea, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Solomon Islands, Tuvalu, United Kingdom

Early life
Queen Elizabeth II was born in London grandparent's home, she is the GREat-grandmother Queen Alexandra, Queen Mary is a grandmother. Her father, the then Duke of York, 10 years later become King George VI.
Elizabeth Duke of York in his mother's home under the supervision of education. Her history teacher C H K Martin is Eton public school, in addition she also learn the language (her very fluent French speakers). Archbishop of Canterbury to provide her with the theological guidance, she has always been a devout Anglican membership.
1936 Elizabeth's uncle Edward VIII's abdication, and her father succession for the Kings, a George VI, she immediately became the heir to the throne. Elizabeth outbreak of the Second World War 13 years old, she and her sister Princess Margaret are to Magelite Scottish Balmoral asylum. At that time it was suggested that Princess Margaret should be two to Canada asylum, were opposed to their mother: "The kids can not leave my circumstances, I can not leave the king's circumstances, and the king can not under any circumstances leave." 1940 Princess Elizabeth Broadcasting published for the first time, the object of all the children in the asylum.
1945 Princess Elizabeth to persuade his father to allow her directly involved in helping to win the war. She participated in a support the war women's groups, where she is the first No. 230873, Second Lieutenant Elizabeth Windsor. This is her first joint training with other children. She said I love this experience, but also because this experience, she will be followed by their children to school rather than let them learn at home.
Elizabeth, the first time in 1947 to visit her and her parents to South Africa. In her 21st birthday on the day she made the Commonwealth and Empire Broadcasting, will be sworn into the life of the Commonwealth and the people in the service of empire.
December 20, 1947 and Elizabeth married Prince Philip of GREece. Phillips is her third representative of Colombia, the two are high-grandmother Queen Victoria (Prince Philip before marriage oath to give up the right to inherit the throne in Greece, the Duke of Edinburgh title before he did not have any title, called on the Philippines Lieutenant Mountbatten Lee Pu). Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh at the same time holding the title of his wife. The marriage is about to inherit the throne for a woman, because she received the royal Fujun training, it will not be the successor of another State throne. But recent warplane-collision is not deliberately arranged marriage, the relationship between the two has experienced many tests and ultimately in her own insistence reached. These tests include Philips infidelity rumors, and parents and grandmother Elizabeth Phillips of the four sisters are caused by the German princess distrust. At that time, the three surviving sister was not invited to attend his brother's wedding, his mother was born in England and because growth was allowed to attend.
Married couple living in London Palace Clarence (Clarence Palace). They have four children (see below). Although the British dynasty known as Windsor dynasty, the couple aGREed that their children should use Mountbatten - Windsor (Mountbatten-Windsor) as their last name.
From 1951 onwards, King George VI deteriorating state of health, Elizabeth began to replace his father attended the public occasion. That year she has visited GREece, Italy and Malta (Phillips was in the army stationed here). October She also visited Canada and Washington. January 1952 and Elizabeth Phillips also visited Australia and New Zealand. February 6 when they visit Kenya that Elizabeth's father has died. Following the moment of her place in a tree身处hostels. Her coronation ceremony of the June 2, 1953 held in Westminster.

Her career
After the coronation Elizabeth and her husband Philip moved to Buckingham Palace in central London. But like all before the King, Elizabeth does not like living in Buckingham Palace. She, at Windsor Castle west of London is her home. She also has a considerable period of time in Scotland's Balmoral Castle spent.
Queen Elizabeth's visit is the history of the largest monarch. From 1953 to 1954 she and Phillips spent six months traveling around the world, she also became the first visit to Australia, New Zealand and Fiji, the reigning monarch. October 1957 she went to the United States on a state visit in 1959 was a visit to Canada. 1961 her first visit to India and Pakistan. She visited most European countries and many areas outside of Europe, and regular attendance at the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting.

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