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A very long time ago in the town of Nazareth Mary was alone in her house when an angel visited her and told her that she was going to have a baby that she would call Jesus. This baby would be God's son.
Not long after Mary had to go with Joseph on a long journey back to where Joseph's famil
(12/06/2024 00:00:00) [查看全文]
  旁白:Long time ago, there‘s a idiot.
  His name is Bill
(03/09/2024 00:00:00) [查看全文]
  "I was obliged," replied the yard-dog. "They turned me out of doors, and chained me up here. I had bitten the youngest of my master's sons in the leg, because he kicked aw
(12/23/2023 00:00:00) [查看全文]
 "Who are these two?" asked the Snow Man of the yard-dog. "You have been here longer than I have; do you know them?"
"Of course I know them," replied the yard-dog; "she has stroked my back many times, and he has given me a bone of meat. I never bite those two."
(12/23/2023 00:00:00) [查看全文]
 "IT is so delightfully cold," said the Snow Man, "that it makes my whole body crackle. This is just the kind of wind to blow life into one. How that great red thing up there is staring at me!" He meant the sun, who was just setting. "It shall not make me wink. I shall manage to keep the pieces."
(12/23/2023 00:00:00) [查看全文]
  It was the night before Christmas. Everyone was asleep in their beds-mom, dad, Billy and Timmy. But not Suzie.
"Tomorrow morning there will be gifts everywhere," she said, smiling. "
(12/23/2023 00:00:00) [查看全文]
(12/23/2023 00:00:00) [查看全文]
本期推荐:小动物的森林会议 In the Forest
(09/26/2022 00:00:00) [查看全文]
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