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[初三] 阅读理解专项训练(8)

[日期:2007-04-28]   [字体: ]

In 1997,Americans decided to launch two space probes.They were called Voyager 1and Voyager 2.They sent back photos and facts about the more distant planets.Now they are traveling far out in the galaxy. Here are some facts about the Voyager spacecraft.

The total cost of the Voyager mission is 865 million dollars.This sounds very expensive.But it is only twenty cents for each American, each year.

The television cameras of the Voyager are so powerful they could read a newspaper headline at a distance of one kilometer.But there aren't any newspapers in space!

Scientists have put a message on the Voyager spacecraft.We hope that someone will find it one day.But the Voyager will take 40,000years to reach another solar system like ours,with planets.

The message is on a special disc,a bit like a CD.The disc has sounds and pictures on it.There are thirty-nine sounds of the Earth.Some of them are natural sounds,such as the sea,wind,and thunder.Some are animal sounds,such as birds,dogs,and a human body.Some are man-made sounds,like machines,buses,and trains.They also put on music from many different countries.Finally there are spoken GREetings from Earth-people in fifty-five languages.There is a message in English from the president of America.There are also 116pictures of the Earth and its people.

1.What did the two space probes do?

2.Where are they traveling?

3.How powerful are the television cameras?

4.What have scientists put on the Voyager spacecraft?

5.What's on the disc?


1. They sent back photos and facts about the more distant planets.

2. Far out in the galaxy.

3. They are so powerful they could read a newspaper headline at a distance of one kilometer.

4. A message.

5. Sounds and pictures.

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