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A Frosty Day 结霜的一天

[日期:2008-02-27]   [字体: ]


A Frosty Day

It was a frosty day in Snowville, just like all the days before and all the days to come. Stewart Snowman walked home as quickly as he could manage in the deep snow. He couldn't wait to get inside and see some colors.
"Why does Snowville have to be so bland?" he mumbled to himself.
"Everything is always covered in snow and ice!"
Mr. Snowman was heading out just as Stewart walked in the front door.
"I'm going to a meeting about the annual block party." he told his son."I'll be back before dinner."
"GREat," said Stewart ."Another outdoor party in Snowville. How dull!"
Stewart marched upstairs staring glumly at the floor. He didn't even notice his sister. Sarah, watching him. "Boy, you look blue." Sarah said.
"Very funny," replied Stewart."There has never been a blue Snowman and you know it." "I just meant that you look sad." Sarah explained.
"Maybe this will cheer you up." Sarah said as she led Stewart into her room.
She showed him some paper snowflakes she had just made.
"Dad said we can help plan the block party. What do you think of these snowflake decorations?" Sarah asked.
Stewart's eyes widened and he began to smile."They'd be GREat if you could color them blue... and red... even pink." he suggested.
"But snowflakes aren't colorful." said Sarah.
"That's why it'd be fun." said Stewart. "We'll tell Dad that the theme of this year's party should be Frosty Colors. Then we can make lots of colorful decorations to hang outside!"
Sarah started coloring her snowflakes right away. Stewart went into his room and stood at the window a moment. He looked out at the crystal-clear icicles hanging from the rooftops and the white snow covering everthing in sight.
Then he sat down at his desk and began working on his own decorations.
In just a few hours Stewart had created a world of crazy winter colors.
There were pink and GREen icicles, colorful snowflakes streamers, and giant orange snowballs. Stewart also made a bunch of posters to hang around town.
Everyone in town started talking about the party after seeing Stewart's posters.
Even Mayor Freeze was excited.
"I'm going to wear my most colorful dress." she told Sarah and Stewart.
"I can't wait!"
That weekend, snowpeople came from all over Snowville to enjoy the party. The Frost twins wore matching rainbow striped scarves. And Stewart had glued colorful polka dots all over himself.
Mayor Freeze gave a speech welcoming everyone to the party. Then she turned on the music.
Snowpeople danced underneath colorful snowballs as Sarah helped the party crew set up tables
for the drinks and snacks.Just as Stewart started dancing. Sarah walked by carrying a big bowl of blueberry punch. By accident Stewart twirled right into his sister. Whoosh! The punch bowl flew out of Sarah's hands and flipped over their heads.
The blueberry punch spilled all over them.
"Look!" someone shouted, "Sarah and Stewart Snowman are blue!"
A crowd gathered around the frosty blue siblings. "What a GREat idea!"
someone else said.
Soon. everyone was pouring punch and soda over themselves.
Sarah and Stewart laughed. "Thanks for bring color to Snowville,"
Sarah said to her brother. "I have a feeling this town is going to be a lot more colorful for a long time!"


萨拉马上开始给他的雪花上色。斯图尔特走进了他的房间。在窗边站了会儿。他看到外面水晶一样清澈的冰柱从屋顶悬了下来,白色的雪覆盖了看到的 每一样事物。然后他坐在他的书桌上,开始制作他自己的装饰品。
那个周末,来自斯诺维尔的雪人们好好享受了聚会的乐趣。霜冻双胞胎系着相匹配的有彩虹斑纹的丝巾。而斯图尔特在他的全身粘着五颜六色的 圆点花纹。

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