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[日期:2008-05-25]   [字体: ]




















Fan loyalty in the United States and wrote the Tianya forum, "the moment the mountains shake the earth will quake -" 5 12 "Wenchuan earthquake Qin Liji," a text, the text of the detailed description of its all done by the earthquake and after the course of the Mind.
It described the U.S. Fan loyalty is the time of Dujiangyan in Sichuan Guangya school language classes, the desks of the sloshing, but the norm based on the number of earthquake experience, that is minor earthquake, the students called Buyao Huang. But if not end, the teaching building fiercely shook up.

"My instant reaction from - Earthquake! Stairs-and then suddenly to the past." Subsequently, the United States Fan loyalty is the first found themselves at the football field, such as the Hao Yihui to see students gradually came to the playground, and then he Students for a dialogue:

Fan: "You do not how out» "

Student: "We have no response from the very beginning, you just did not shadow fell on the run, and so we are scared reaction from the table below to躲到! Intense seismic calm, and so when we come out! Teachers, how can you not to We bring out only Zoua »"

Fan: "I have never been a brave dedication of the people, concerned only about their own lives, you do not know what» fire last night when I Taode soon! "

Then, Fan allegiance to the United States and one pair of his students feel a bit disappointed said: "I was a pursuit of free and fair, not after their ancestors have been self-sacrifice of the brave! In this film the moment, only to My daughter I might consider self-sacrifice, other people, even my mother, in which case I would not have control, because I have fixed adults, Jianburongfa of the escape is a one, too Dangerous, I told you to death is meaningless, if not dangerous, I do not care you have not dangerous to you, let alone you are Shiqi Ba-year-old person! "

US-Zhong Fan wrote: "This may be the self-excuse me, but I do not have the slightest sense of moral Fujiu, I tell students, 'I will never Doo-yong is identify people with a knife!'" These words like stone Melaleuca stirred up waves in the Forum Blast pot.

Fan US-chung: sacrifice is not the virtue of choice

Afterward, Van US-chung also published an "Why did I write <the moment the mountains shake the earth will quake>", and netizens to do some of the problems of the answer: I go back to school in these words after that will be with students from other People say. Told the students also told other people, your own life is also very important! You have the obligation to help others, but you do not at GREat risk to life rescue the obligation, if others do so, is his voluntary choice, does not matter noble! If you do not do so, is your freedom, you do not fault! After their ancestors and sacrifice is an option, but not the virtues! From the balance of interests, ran out a one!

At 9:27, Fan loyalty in the United States responded to the netizens Tianya the accused, he said that before his running mate, is the "experience of the next. But do not want to see next time!"

He said: "not yet in particular, with more students in my class at the time the students in-depth discussion of this matter, especially not with parents to discuss, if they criticize me I do not mind! I want to hear from parents of students of the true thoughts. Maybe This judgement on the acts and I really established a reasonable and professional ethics of teachers to deal with the most reasonable strategy is beneficial. "

PK view

User of this text had a sharp confrontation, many netizens questioned Fan first to run away not only failed to make the responsibilities of teachers, but also "do not have the slightest moral Fujiu flu" is really too much. But there are also some netizens that should not be too harsh on him: After all, teachers are also ordinary people, at risk to protect themselves is a human instinct, and Fan can open their own online by the think, at least shows that he is an honest people, The courage to face their people.

Students are not left Xianpao Fidelity »

User "yiping1914": If Mr. Fan is the face of the underage students, in any case need to shout out: "sprints" and "People's Republic of China law on protection of minors" Article 40 of Chapter IV states: "schools, Kindergartens, nurseries and public places in emergencies, the priority should be given to the ambulance minors. "Here should not mean a single corporate invisible, but all the staff. On the responsibility, Mr. Fan dereliction of duty, not suitable for the teachers.

User "Mrs 01": teachers may not have the obligation to help students, teachers are human beings, first of all to do is to try to survive should take good care of their families. Da Huoer numerous defects are basically the people who will not Shadaosheji well as Lei Feng, only Luedong Renqingshigu, when reminded students that even if the Yougejiaodai to their conscience.

Facing heart or shameless »

User "Absalom": If a person really encountered disaster, leave his mother ran. Of course we can not say that he should Masi, but if he was really no Kuise in rhetoric at the time of his wit, is really not a shameless thing » People to do the wrong, should not guilty to death, it should be guilty because very simple, our fragile human nature is such, will be weak, but it can also be guilty.

User "blame the wind back": In all fairness, the landlord is likely to act with the necessary training is not the ordinary people most of the PAA response mode. Just imagine, if the ex-situ and, if each of us will not if he is the general action » He could have remained silent, but he did not, that he can face heart, is commendable.
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  范美忠根本算不上一个男子汉,只是一个怕死   ( XYZ , 05/26/2008 08:17:18 )
  范美忠根本算不上一个男子汉,只是一个怕死   ( XYZ , 05/26/2008 11:18:13 )
  范美忠连自己的母亲都不救,不配使用"   ( 中国人 , 05/26/2008 14:08:20 )
  在现在平安的境况里 说什么都有可能 可你有   ( 需要真实 , 05/26/2008 20:14:15 )
  你能做个老师一定是有后台的 教师最基本的   ( 中国人 , 05/26/2008 06:03:01 )

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