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[日期:2008-07-23]   [字体: ]

Mr Bush's first veto

布什首次动用否决权(陈继龙 编译)

Jul 20th 2006 | WASHINGTON, DC
From The Economist print edition

FIVE and a half years into hisp_______①,George Bush finally vetoed a bill this week. (1)Oddly enough, it was one that most Americans support: it would have expanded federal funding for embryonic[1] stem-cell research.The House and Senate had both passed the bill by wide, but not veto-proof margins, so Mr Bush's word is final, at least until after the mid-term elections in November.

Stem cells are cells that have not yet decided what they want to be when they grow up. That is, they can become blood cells, brain cells, or pretty much any other type of cell. Their versatility makes them extremely useful for medical research. Thee_______②snag[2]is that the best stem cells are harvested from human embryos, killing them. For the most ardentpro-lifers[3],including Mr Bush and many of his core supporters, that is murder. Proponents of embryonic stem-cell research point out thathordes[4]of embryos are created during fertility treatment, and the vast majority of these are either frozen indefinitely or destroyed._______________________.(难道将它们应用于可能具有挽救生命意义的研究真的错了吗?)(2)Yes, said Mr Bush on July 19th, flanked[5] by some families who had “adopted” other people's frozen embryos and used them to have children of their own.

Mr Bush's veto does not kill stem-cell research. Scientists whospurn[6]federal cash may do as they please. The government still pays for research on stem cells taken from adults, a process that does not kill thed_______③.(3)And a decision by Mr Bush in 2001 allows federally-funded scientists to experiment on the few dozen embryonic stem-cell “lines” that already existed then, which can be propagated[7] in a laboratory.

Nonetheless, scientists are furious with Mr Bush. Federal funding would surely push them faster towards thosee_______④cures. Research based on adult stem cells may be promising, but not nearly as promising as that based on embryonic ones. There are worries that those few dozen embryonic stem-cell lines represent too narrow a gene pool, and that they cannot be endlessly extended without damaging them. (4)Other countries, such as Britain and China, are enthusiastically experimenting on embryonic stem cells. But the world's most innovative nation is hanging back.

1. 根据上下文及英文释义,完成单词填空:
①p______(n.the period of time during which someone is president)
②e______(adj.relating to principles of what is right and wrong [= moral])
③d______(n.someone who gives blood or a body organ so that it can be used in the medical treatment of someone else)
④e______(adj.difficult to achieve or understand)
2. 英译汉(将划线部分英文翻译成中文):
1. embryonic adj.胚胎的
2. snag n.暗桩;阻碍,障碍
3. pro-lifer n.反对堕胎者
4. horde n.群;游牧部落
5. flank v.在……的两侧;夹击
如:Lewis entered flanked by two bodyguards. 刘易斯进去了,身边左右各有一名保镖。/mountains flanking the road马路两旁的山峦
6. spurn v.傲慢地拒绝;拒斥
7. propagate v.繁殖(reproduce);传播,宣传
[replyview]1. ①presidency总统任期
②ethical 合乎道德的(表示“morally good behaviour”的词汇:good • right • ethical • decent 正派的,端庄的• honorable值得尊敬的 • be above/beyond reproach无可指摘的)
③donor 供体(如:blood donor献血者)
④elusive 难懂的;难找的

3. Is it really wrong to use them for potentially life-saving research?
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