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[日期:2008-07-28]   [字体: ]

Fiji and Tonga

A tale of two island states

双岛记 (陈继龙 译)

Mar 15th 2007 | SUVA
From The Economist print edition

And of their contrasting attitudes to democratic reform


(1)THE Pacific archipelagos of Fiji and Tonga have for centuries been connected by trade and kinship: Tongan princes sailed westwards in outrigger canoes to seek fortune in Fiji, while Fijians provided spouses for the Tongan nobility. These days, the two island states are in the throes[1] of domestic crises, but they are tackling them in strikingly different ways.

In Fiji, the new prime minister, Commodore Frank Bainimarama, the military commander who seized power in a coup in December, is resisting international pressure to return to democracy speedily. He says he needs time to clean up the corruption left by the previous, elected, government. By contrast in neighbouring Tonga, last November's riots in the capital, Nuku'alofa, have not been allowed to derail[2] plans for democratisation.
在斐济,新任总理、海军准将弗兰克?拜尼马拉马(Frank Bainimarama)正经受着国际上要求其尽快恢复民主的压力。这位在去年12月政变中掌权的武装部队司令称,他需要时间来整治前民选政府遗留的腐败问题。邻国汤加则恰恰相反,首都努库阿诺法虽于去年11月发生暴乱,但其民主化进程并未因此搁浅。

Commodore Bainimarama has sacked all the previous parliamentarians and has purged[3] top civil servants. (2)Dismissals and suspensions have often taken place on the flimsiest[4] of evidence. Soldiers, installed in a new complaints centre, listen to public grievances and send out vigilante[5] missions to tackle everything from village quarrels to landlord-tenant difficulties and domestic disputes.

Scores of alleged bootleggers, drug pushers and prostitutes have been rounded up, while opponents of the new order have been beaten up at the army's Queen Elizabeth Barracks in Suva. Yet the emphasis on rounding up the small fry looks increasingly like a deliberate distraction from the army's failure to prove its coup-justifying claim of widespread corruption in the ousted[6] government.

Tonga is moving in the opposite direction. (3)After a century of royal rule, in which the monarchy defended its power with claims that government by the masses would prove “corrupt”, political leaders are coming around to the view that more democracy is the best way to check mismanagement and improve Tongans' living standards.

Until recently, the cabinet was composed entirely of the king's nominees, and only nine popularly elected representatives sat in the 30-member legislative assembly, alongside nine noble representatives and 12 members appointed by the king. (4)The royal government squandered money on misguided aviation and shipping ventures, and the bulk of the $56m it secured from selling passports was frittered[7] away in poor investments by a visiting American rogue rather quaintly appointed by the king as his “court jester[8]”. That the royal family also benefited from big private-sector investments—including ownership of the mobile-phone industry, cable television, a brewery and the electricity utility—increased public disquiet.

The monarchy responded with a pragmatic reform programme that began before the accession of King George Tupou V to the throne in September 2006. Elected members of parliament were allowed to enter the cabinet, and for the first time in a century a “commoner”, Fred Sevele, became prime minister.
为此,2006年9月国王乔治?图普五世(George Tupou V)登基前,君主政府实施了一项注重实效的改革计划。民选产生的国会成员可以进入内阁,弗雷德?塞维莱(Fred Sevele)也成为一百年来汤加首位“平民”首相。

Still, reformists are impatient and have taken to the streets. A rally outside parliament in November exploded into riots that devastated Nuku'alofa. Some 80% of the capital's business district was destroyed and six rioters died. Yet the king promised to press ahead with reforms.

Although both Fiji and Tonga have experienced severe instability in recent months, the latter seems to have a better idea of how to weather it. In the view of Peter Larmour, a specialist on the Pacific islands at the Australian National University in Canberra, (5)corruption is better tackled by reducing institutional opportunities for it, rather than by dictatorial moral crusades from a strong-arm regime that sets itself up as detective, judge and juror.
近几个月虽然斐济和汤加都十分动荡不安,但后者似乎更能找到渡过难关的好办法。堪培拉澳洲国立大学太平洋群岛研究专家彼得?拉莫尔(Peter Larmour)认为,对于腐败问题,最好是从制度上减少腐败机会来加以解决,通过暴力政权(集侦探、法官和陪审员等角色一身)来施以专横的清洗行动是不可取的。


1. throes n. [pl]  1 severe pains 剧痛: the throes of childbirth 分娩时的阵痛 * death throes 临终的痛苦.  2 (idm 习语) in the throes of sth/of doing sth (infml 口) struggling with the task of sth/of doing sth 为完成某事而拚搏; 苦干: in the throes of moving house 为搬家而辛劳.
2. derail v. [Tn] cause (a train, etc) to go off the rails 使(火车等)脱轨: The engine was derailed by a tree lying across the line. 有一棵树横在铁轨上, 造成机车出轨.
3. purge v. 1 [Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p] ~ sb (of/from sth); ~ sth (away) make sb clean or pure by removing (evil, sin, etc) 为某人(免罪、 赦罪等): Catholics go to confession to be purged of sin/purge (away) their sin/purge their souls of sin. 天主教徒透过告解以获得赦罪[净化灵魂].  2 [Tn] (dated or joc 旧或谑) empty the bowels (of a person) 给(某人)通便: A dose of this stuff will purge you! 这种药只须一剂就能让你通便!  3 [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth (of sb)/~ sb (from sth) rid (esp a political party) of (people thought to be undesirable); remove (such people) from (a party) 清除(尤指政党的)(异己分子); 清洗(党员): So-called traitors were purged (from their ranks). 所谓的叛徒均已(从队伍中)清洗出去. * They promised that the party would be purged of racists/that racists would be purged from the party. 他们保证该党一定把种族主义分子清除掉[把种族主义分子从党内清洗出去].  4 [Tn] (law 律) atone for (an offence, esp contempt of court) 弥补(罪过, 尤指藐视法庭罪): purge one's contempt 於藐视法庭後认错以求得免罪.
4. filmsy adj. (-ier, -iest)  1 (a) (of cloth or material) light and thin (指布或材料)轻而薄的: a flimsy dress 薄的连衣裙. (b) not strong or solid enough for the purpose for which it is used 不结实的; 易损坏的: a flimsy cardboard box 不结实的纸箱.  2 (fig 比喻) weak or feeble; unconvincing 软弱无力的; 不足信的: a flimsy excuse 站不住脚的藉口 * The evidence against him is rather flimsy. 对他不利的证据不足凭信.
5. vigilante n. (esp derog 尤作贬义) member of a self-appointed group of people who try to prevent crime and disorder in a community (自发组织的)治安团体的成员.
6. oust v. [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sb (from sth) (fml 文) remove sb (from a position, job, etc) sometimes in order to take his place 免某人(职); 罢黜; 剥夺; 取代: oust a rival from office 把竞争者从其职位上挤走 * He was ousted from his position as chairman. 他的主席职位被罢免了.
7. fritter v. (phr v) fritter sth away (on sth) waste (esp one's time or money) foolishly (on small useless things) (在无意义的小事上)愚蠢地浪费(尤指个人的时间或金钱): fritter away time/energy 浪费时间[精力] * fritter away one's money on gambling 在赌博上挥霍公钱.
8. jester n. (formerly) man whose job was to make jokes to amuse a court or noble household (旧时)(宫廷或贵族豢养的)弄臣, 小丑: the court/king's/queen's jester 宫廷的[国王的/王后的]弄臣.

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