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[日期:2008-07-28]   [字体: ]
  To save a woodpecker
  May 11th 2006 | CLARENDON, ARKANSAS
  From The Economist print edition
  THE ivory-billed woodpecker is not large, as birds go. It is about the size of a crow, but FLASHier. Its claim to fame[1] is that, though it had been thought extinct since 1944, a lone kayaker spotted it about two years ago, flying around among the cypress trees in the Cache River National Wildlife Refuge. And (1)that sighting may prove the death-blow[2] to a $319m irrigation project in the Arkansas corner of the Delta.
  The Grand Prairie Area Demonstration Project seemed, at first, a fine idea. The Grand Prairie is the fourth-largest rice-bowl in the world, with 363,000 acres under paddies. But it is running out of water, with farmers driving wells deeper and deeper into the underlying aquifer[3]. The new project, dreamed up around a decade ago, would tap excess water from the White river when it floods and pump it, at the rate of about one billion gallons a day, to storage tanks on around 1,000 rice farms.
  Unfortunately, it would also divert water from the region's huge, swampy wildlife refuges, home to black bears and alligators and the pallid sturgeon. Tiny swamp towns like Clarendon and Brinkley, which are heavily black and almost destitute[4], rely on nature tourism for the little economic activity they have. In Brinkley, (2)the barber offers an “ivorybill” haircut that makes you look like one.
  可不幸的是,这一工程同样会排走当地野生物保护区庞大的沼泽地里(黑熊、鳄鱼和白鲟鱼栖息处)的水。像克拉林顿和布林克利这样的沼泽小城都是黑黢黢的,穷得叮当响。靠着自然旅游业,它们的经济方才一息尚存。在布林克利,理发师会剪一种“象牙喙”发型,让每个人看上去都毫无二致。(译者按:此句中的“one”到底指代什么呢?是“one ivory-billed woodpecker”还是“the same one”,或者是别的?匪夷所思!)
  The project has some powerful local backers. They include Blanche Lincoln, the state's senior senator, who GREw up on a rice farm in Helena, and Dale Bumpers, a former four-term senator and governor of Arkansas. Mr Bumpers, long an icon of the environmental movement and prominent in the efforts to establish the refuges, now believes the water project is important for national security in food and trade, and that it will not damage the forests he has worked to protect.
  (3)Opponents worry that the project, apart from its environmental risks, will overwhelm the innovative water conservation methods that rice-farmers are already using, and give the biggest water users an unfair advantage. They also object that it means using subsidised pumps to provide subsidised water for a crop that doesn't pay. Rice is one of the most heavily assisted crops in America; rice payments cost taxpayers almost $10 billion between 1995 and 2004, and rich farmers round Stuttgart in Arkansas County (an efficient and politically shrewd group) took in $21.2m in subsidies in 2004 alone.
  1.sb’s/sth’s claim to fame
  a place or person’s claim to fame is the reason why they are famous—often used humorously to mention something that is not very important (某地或某人)出名的原因(诙谐用语,形容一些无足轻重的事物)
  如:My main claim to fame is that I once shook Elvis’s hand. 跟Elvis握手让我出了名。
  2.death blow
  an action or event that makes something fail or end [= death knell]: (令某事失败或终止的)行动或事件
  如:His decision to leave the show has delivered a death blow to the series.
  3.aquifer n.蓄水层
  4.destitute adj.
  1)having no money, no food, no home, etc. 一无所有
  如:The floods left many people destitute.洪水让许多人缺衣少食,无家可归。
  2)be destitute of sth.一点也没有……
  如:a man who is destitute of mercy 毫无同情心的人
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