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雅思考试的提问方法和布局 作文是许多雅思考生心中永远的痛,凯德雅思提出“十篇作文搞定雅思六分”(以下称“十篇”)帮助许多学生实现了有效率的提高写作水平和分数。 教学方法的革新永远是学生的福音,作为新颖的教学方法,“十篇”教学法的第一阶段是扎实基础,通过专门的写作词汇整理学习,结构、技巧、论证的方法掌握了解,和阅读有效的范围,每个学生都能够得到长足的进步,当然一切的前提是有效,所有的基础工作都是建立在凯德教研组研究的基础上,学生所学习的内容都是最新最有效的部分,这种效率的工作让不少学生克服了作文的病痛,取得了高分。 当然,在正式练习写作的阶段,不同基础的学 (06/09/2006 10:00:00) [查看全文] 在雅思写作过程中,可以使用下面的万能句子,对于写作用词,为了避免重复,可以使用一些同义词。
万能句子: 1. Yet little has been done to solve this problem worldwide. 2. To make one final point, … 3. As we are all aware … 4. … has long been an issue debated mainly in … around the world. 5. One example is that … 6. (06/09/2006 10:00:00) [查看全文] simple and easy tips for atleast securing a 7 band score in writing.
1. spend 5 minutes on jotting down points on your question paper. 2. First impression is the last impression. Heard of this expression? ( It means that your intro should be rock soild, that further means it should be devoid of s (06/09/2006 10:00:00) [查看全文] 发贴:妞妞
在最近的授课过程当中,我发现大家对于图表写作抓不到头绪,我也很替大家着急啊!我想大家的问题主要体现在三个方面:一,对于写作当中的套用句掌握不充分.二,对于不同图表的破题思路存在问题.三,连接方面存在困难. 大家必须要知道,图表写作的词组存在着两个明显的划分,一种是运动的(线段图表与柱状图表),一种是静止的(饼状图表与表格).前者的切入点在描述趋势,后者则关注一种分配.在弄清楚了这个划分之后,我们就可以对图表写作产生点感觉了. 今天我们所要关注的是运动图表,无论是什么题目的运动图表,无论题出的多难,我们都要清醒的认识到,那就是考官也逃不出如下的5个范畴,它们分别是运动范畴 (06/09/2006 10:00:00) [查看全文] 1. in general/ on the whole/ generally 2. all in all 3. From the foregoing, … 4. in brief/ in summary/ in conclusion/ in short/ in a word/ to sum up/ to conclude/ to summarize 5. If it is up to me to make a choice between A and B, I would rather choose … over … 6. If I were forced to agree with one of the two, my choice would be (06/09/2006 10:00:00) [查看全文] 1. at present/ currently/ lately/ recently/ nowadays/ these years/ in the past several decades/ over the last several years 2. at the turn of the century 3. Thanks to China’s reform and opening-up policy, … has witnessed great economic and social progress in the past two decades. 4. With the (rapid, marked, amazing, eye-catching, remark (06/09/2006 10:00:00) [查看全文] Make sure that you read all of the information in the questions very carefully and respond appropriately.
Make sure that you follow all instructions including the number of words that you need to write. Make sure that you stop Writing Task 1 after 20 minutes to allow enough time to answer Writing Task (06/09/2006 10:00:00) [查看全文] 问:到底应该先写大作文还是先写小作文?
答:很多老师都会建议学生先写大作文然后再写小作文。理由是,大作文占的分数比例比较大,60%。而且很多同学都会因为无法完成大作文的写作而导致整个作文的失分。但是笔者认为应该先写小作文后写大作文。原因如下,一是在下笔写小作文之前,应该是把大作文题目看过的。如果正好是老师上课时候讲到过的作文,那么在心理上就可以比较放松了,说不定会使人超常发挥哦!如果题目是没有讲到过的,那么看完后会在潜意识里多多少少去考虑一下思路。不要怕那样会影响小作文 (06/09/2006 10:00:00) [查看全文] 新的作文答题要求主要包括两个方面:一个是A类小作文部分将侧重于描述重点并进行比较.第二个方面是大作文(包括A和G)要求使用更为准确的例子来佐证观点.
从上面的两点要求当中我们可以推测出如下结论: 一、2006年A类小作文的出题类型主要侧重于复合图表或者是含有多条线段的单一图表.理由在于:1.新的答题要求中要求进行比较,而单体的比较空间不大,相比较而言,复合图表则具备描述难度和描述空间的两个特征,可以对学生的写作进行全方位的考核. 2. 雅思在1995年,2001年以及今年所发生的改变都是为了更加合理的考核应试者的语言应用水平.而A类学生的考核重点在学术写作上,在日常的学术写作中,单一图表描述所占的比 (06/09/2006 10:00:00) [查看全文] 3月12日
Education is of very importance to the development of individuals and well-being of societies. What should education consist of and how do they serve the purpose? 简要分析: 教育问题也是热点话题之一.这是篇问题解决式的题目.只要找出教育的组成部分即可.推荐找三个,并且说明它们在对个人发展和整个社会的发展中起到怎样的作用.比如说稳固的理论知识;为今后工作定位的实践技能;性格和正确价值观的培养;身体素质的培养等等. (06/09/2006 10:00:00) [查看全文] 1月8日
We can get knowledge from news, but some people think we can’t trust journalists. What do you think? Should we believe them? What qualities should a good journalist have? 简要分析: 曾经考过的关于老师应该有的素质似乎可以为这篇文章起一点参考作用。这篇文章应该在引言段里阐明一个观点,即记者担负着重要的社会责任,要让人们完全信任,记者必须具有以下几个素质。在主体段里,可以对三个素质分别进行阐述并且说明为什么这 (06/09/2006 10:00:00) [查看全文] 1. in + 月/ 年
2. between … and … 3. from … to … 4. over the period from … to … 5. in the year between … and (06/09/2006 10:00:00) [查看全文] The following is a list of IELTS sample writing questions for you to try out. Some of them also include Academic and General Training questions.
1、Some young children spend a great amount of their time practicing sports. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this. Use specific reasons 2、It i (06/09/2006 10:00:00) [查看全文] |