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To Love Enough 无尽的恩爱

[日期:2007-04-30]   [字体: ]

By Cynthia M. Hamond

My mother isn't speaking to my father.She hasn't spoken to him in five years,and for that,my father is truly grateful.

I was crying last time she did speak to him.I saw the exchange though I could not hear the words.His whisperings,her whisperings.

The two of them silhouetted against the window light at the end of the long hall.My father leaning over my mother's,pressed forehead to forehead.The word“Surgery”on the doors behind them forming a caption for the picture they made.Hands clasped together as if believing they held each other's hearts.As longingly as the first time they had reached for each other,as desperately as two lovers being forced apart.

Being forced to part on this day of life and death.

They had made the decision together,to do or die...to do and die.These two who had lived for and in each other's dreams these past forty years.

My mother had a disease that was cutting the blood flow to her brain.It was deteriorating her life and it would take it in three years.Her life could be prolonged if the surgery was done now. Twelve brave hearts had gone before her but only three of them had walked away.

I watched their process of decision making,both prayerful in the face of death.My mother wanting to live,wanting to try,the churning and turning until there was peace.

How brave we knew she was;we three sisters gathered around her hospital bed feeling time pushing us toward her fate the next day.We were quick to smile,slow to leave,hoping our“Good nightswere not our good-byes.

Our father was left to keep his prayerful,living vigil.It was painful to leave him that night,too

painful to think of him alone.But he reminded us that he would not be alone,at least for that night,he had his Love.

And morning came.We gathered and prayed.We kissed our mother,hugged our father and then followed her gurney until we were told that only one of us could go any farther.

My father continued to walk alongside her as he always had.Two people who had stood together against all odds.My mother orphaned at a young age and moved place to place.My father the youngest of nine in a family hurt with poverty.

They had found their home in each other.

We children were loved in their home.Given by these two what they had not been given in their own childhood:safety,nurturing,moral guid- ance.

We knew that we were created from their love but that their love was an entity separate from us,a circle complete within itself.

I see the kiss,the parting.My mother wheeled through the door,alone.My father, his back to me,placed his hand on that door, prayed for love and strength and hoped to the woman on the other side.

He turned and walked slowly towards me. The sunrise lit his face and I glimpsed the depth of this man's love,the love of GREat self-sacrificing.A love so great that he was willing to bear the pain of being the one to walk alone.

And though surrounded by our love,my father walked alone for the two weeks we waited out her coma,the months of doubt and rehabil- itation.

In the end,my mother had lost her speech but she had won her fight to live.

She has not spoken to my father for five years,and for that,he is truly grateful.




















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