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The recall of a defective or possibly harmful consumer product often is highly publicized in newspapers and on news broadcasts. This is especially true when a recall involves foods, drugs, cosmetics, medical devices, and other products regulated by FDA. Despite this publicity, FDA's
(07/04/2006 06:24:12) [查看全文]

蜂蜜标准 Standard for Honey
可可脂标准 Standard for Cocoa Butters  
巧克力标准 Standard for Chocolate
可可粉和可可糖混合物标准 Standard for Cocoa Powders (Cocoas) and Dry Cocoa-sugar Mixtures
天然矿泉水标准 Standard for Natural Mineral Waters
(07/04/2006 06:24:12) [查看全文]
Facioletta ilocana 
(07/04/2006 06:24:11) [查看全文]
(07/04/2006 06:24:11) [查看全文]
陈皮大虾 orange flavoured prawns
陈皮鸡 chicken with orange flavor; orange flavoured chicken
陈皮牛肉 beef with orange peel; orange flavoured chicken
陈皮子鸡 chenpi chicken; chicken fried with orange peel
成都子鸡 sauteed chicken; stir-fried chicken in Chengtu style
豉椒鸭片 fried sliced duck in chili bean sauce
(07/04/2006 06:24:10) [查看全文]
八宝鸭 duck stuffed with the eight treasures
八宝冬瓜 eight jewelled white gourd
八宝豆腐 beancurd with eight delicious
八宝饭 steamed glutinous rice with eight treasures; "eight treasures" rice pudding
八宝鸡 stuffed chicken
八宝鸡丁 eight treasures with diced chicken; diced chicken with assorted vegetables
(07/04/2006 06:24:10) [查看全文]
SSOP:Sanitation Standard Operating ProceduresZUhZ
GMP:Good Manufacturing Practice J[,
ISO:International Organization for Standardizationi&m|g
IEC:International Electrotechnical Commissi
(07/04/2006 06:24:06) [查看全文]
Inst. of Microbiology & Biochemistry, National Taiwan Univ., Taipei 106 Taiwan
Production of genetically modified (GM) crops is currently concentrated in just a
few countries while more countries are experimenting new traits. For 2003, 99% of
GM crops are produced in four countries, i. e. US 63%, Argentina 21%, Canada 6%,
Brazil and
(07/04/2006 06:24:06) [查看全文]
China's beer industry, the most prolific in the world, yesterday struck back at reports that 95 per cent of domestically bottled beer contains formaldehyde.
  The chemical, famously used to preserve Damian Hirst's controversial dead cows and known to cause cancer, does play a part in the brewing process, but does not pose a threat to public saf
(07/04/2006 06:24:06) [查看全文]
晒青,sunshine withering
做青,making green
杀青,water removing
整形提毫,trimming & tipping
辉干,final roasting
(07/04/2006 06:24:05) [查看全文]
炒腊肉 stir-fried smoked pork
炒龙虾片 fried sliced lobster
炒面 fried noodle
炒木须肉 stir-fried pork and eggs
炒牛肉丝 fried beef slices; fried shredded beef
炒肉丁 fried diced meat/pork; fried meat cubes
炒肉丝 fried pork shreds
炒软肝 fried liver
炒双脆 fried kidney with pork tripe
炒双冬 frie
(07/04/2006 06:24:05) [查看全文]
Health experts recommend limiting egg yolks, as one yolk contains about two-thirds of a healthy adult's suggested allotment of cholesterol.
Researchers in Japan found that women who consumed one or more eggs a day were more likely t
(07/04/2006 06:24:05) [查看全文]
ADI :(Acceptable Daily Intakes)每日人体每千克允许摄入量,常用单位为mg/kg.oiM
CAC :(Codex Alimentarius Commission) (联合国)食品法规委员会LzY-u?
CAS :(Chemical Abstracts Service number) 美国化学文摘服务社编号
(07/04/2006 06:24:05) [查看全文]
AAA - Amino acid analysis – 氨基酸分析
(07/04/2006 06:24:05) [查看全文]
carbohydrates 1h
Carbohydrates are usually defined as polyhydroxy aldehydes and ketones or substances that hydrolyze to yield polyhydroxy aldehydes and ketones. Q&#
Monosaccharides are classified according to (1) the number of c
(07/04/2006 06:24:04) [查看全文]
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