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The Arrest of a President

[日期:2007-05-05]   [字体: ]


There was in Washington a policem an who was known as the“man who arrested the president”.The incident occurred,according to a New York daily,when the man was a GREen officer stationedat No.1 Street.

One evening,President Grant①,who had been driving with a party of friends,was hastening homeward to meet an engagement②.As the carriage,with its four horses,came tearing down③ the avenue the new policeman ordered the driver to stop.

This he meekly④ did.“What is the trouble?”said he.“Trouble?”repeated the officer.“Don't you know you're driving about nine times as fast as the law allows?

“Yes,”quietly responded the president,“I suppose I was,now that you speak of it⑤.”

“Well,then,you may consider yourself under arrest,and go with me to the station house.

There were some remarks from the other occupants⑥ of the coach,among whom were a foreign minister,two senators,and a member of the Cabinet,but the president quieted them,saying,“The man is perfectly right,”and then to the policeman,“Get up here,and we'll drive to the station house.”

The policeman clambered up⑦ and seated himself comfortably in the seat behind the president.Possibly he dreamed of praises from his chief for the object lesson he wasadministering to⑧ the“swells⑨.

If so,his dream was rudely broken in upon.A quiet voice asked in his ear,“Do you know whom you have arrested?”“No,and I don't care.

“Oh,all right,”rejoined⑩ the soft voice.“I only thought you ought to know that it's the president.”

“Wha—a—t!”gasped the agonizedpo- liceman,as he leaned forward and took a look at the calm profile.There was no doubt,and he begged them to let him go,but the president would have none of it

When the station was reached,the captain turned white.Apologies were made,but the president insisted upon paying the proper fine.

注释:①格兰特总统(1822—1885,于1869年至1877年任美国第十八任总统)②约会 ③飞速行驶在 ④顺从地 ⑤给你这么一说(我才意识到)⑥乘客 ⑦=climbed up ⑧administer to:给予 ⑨swell:(俚,旧用法)显赫人物,名流 ⑩倒抽一口凉气说  大惊失色的 不听他的请求

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