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  The preacher was vexed because a certain member of his congregation always fell asleep during the sermon.
  As the man was snoring in the front row one Sunday, the preacher determined he would teach him not to sleep during the sermon. So, in a whisper, he asked the congreg
ation. "All w
(08/23/2006 08:15:18) [查看全文]
THE SCHOOL HEALTH FORMS had been distributed to the students with an error---the word "Sex" had been spelled with an "o". One mother, filling out the form for her son, wrote in the blank next to "Sox": "Usually brown."
  [注] 英语中sex(性
(08/23/2006 08:15:18) [查看全文]
When the young waitress in the café in Tom's building started waving hello everyday. Tom was flattered, for she was at least 15 years younger than he. One day she waved and beckoned to Tom again. When Tom strolled over, she asked, "Are you single?"
"Why, yes," Tom replied, smiling at her broadly.
  "So is m
(08/23/2006 08:15:18) [查看全文]
     But the teacher cried
   The six-year-old John was terribly spoiled . His father knew it, but his grandma doted on him. He hardly left her side. And when he wanted anything, he either cried or threw a temper tantrum. Then came his first day of schoo
(08/23/2006 08:15:18) [查看全文]
  A Smart Housewife.
  A smart housewife was told that there was a kind of stove which would only consume half of the coal she was burning. She was very excited, and said: "That'll be terrific! Since one stove can save half of the coal, if I buy two, no coal will be ne
(08/23/2006 08:15:18) [查看全文]
来自 | 撰写| 2月2日
In England nobody under the age of 18 is allowed to drink in a public bar.
Mr. Thompson used to go to a bar near his house quite often, but he never took his son, Tom, because he was too young. Then when Tom had his eighteenth birthday, Mr. Thompson took him to his u
(08/15/2006 06:18:52) [查看全文]
来自 | 撰写| 2月6日
Jim let his dog out to relieve himself late one night. He watched some TV, and then remembered to let the dog back in. When he opened the door, he was shocked at what he saw! In his dog's mouth was his neighbor's cat, dead!
"Bad dog! BAD DOG!" said the panicked man.
(08/15/2006 06:18:51) [查看全文]
来自 | 撰写| 2月11日
A middle-aged couple, with two beautiful daughters, decided to try one last time for the son they always wanted.
Soon, the wife became pregnant, and, nine months later, delivered a baby boy. The joyful father rushed to the nursery to see his new son, but was horr
(08/15/2006 06:18:51) [查看全文]
来自 | 撰写| 2月16日
A middle aged woman has a heart attack and is taken to the hospital. While on the operating table she has a near-death experience.
During that experience she sees God and asks if this is it.
God says no and explains that she has another 30-
(08/15/2006 06:18:50) [查看全文]
来自 | 撰写| 2月16日
A man really loved a woman, but he was just too shy to propose to her. Now he was up in his years and neither of them had ever been married. Of course, they dated about once a week for the past six years, but he was so timid he just never got around to suggesting marriage much less
(08/15/2006 06:18:50) [查看全文]
来自 | 撰写| 2月26日
Most people want a name that people cannot usually pick on, but
a man from England has recently changed his legal name to
Zipardi Duda.It echoes the title of the song "Zip-A-Dee-Do-Dah" which featured in the 1946 Disney film Song of the South. .
(08/15/2006 06:18:49) [查看全文]
来自 | 撰写| 2月26日
Eighteen year old Travis Suomi picked the wrong man to be
messing with.
Last Wednesday around 1:30 in the morning Suomi
went to the door of a former Sheriff(郡治安官) C.L. Norvell. He asked the man if he could use his phone. Norvell let him use the phon
(08/15/2006 06:18:49) [查看全文]
来自 | 撰写| 2月27日
A smiling boy arrived home from a dental visit,"Hey mom,the dentist says I have no cavities. "
His mom stared at him wide-eyed and quite surprised,"It's impossible --you never brush your teeth after cleaning the chocolate box before you go to bed!
(08/15/2006 06:18:48) [查看全文]
来自 | 撰写| 3月1日
At the Russian War College the general is a guest lecturer and tells the class of officers that the session will focus on potential problems and the resulting strategies.
One of the officers in the class begins by asking the first question ″Will we have to fight a
(08/15/2006 06:18:47) [查看全文]
来自 | 撰写| 3月4日
A professor was giving a big test one day to his students. He handed out all of the tests and went back to his desk to wait.
Once the test was over the students all handed the tests back in. The professor noticed that one of the students had attached a $100 bill to h
(08/15/2006 06:18:47) [查看全文]
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